Before You Read

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This is one of my first digital drawings I did with my new drawing tablet. This was drawn April 18, 2022 and posted April 20th on Bakugo's birthday ofcourse.

I also used a reference so credit to whoever made the reference.

If you want to see more drawings and possibly check out my edits of anime characters, check out my insta:

Edit: my instagram account has been hacked so I made a new one called @arsunixx. I have gone to great lengths to get it back or to have it deleted. It's extremely frustrating, but I'm tryna work it.

Ight, enough of the plug, here we go!

Compared to my other "x Reader" stories, I'm going to make this one slightly different. This will be a Bakugo x Reader/OC. Basically, I will be addressing you, pulling you into the story but I have made up your look. That's really it. Apologies if you wanted really cool blue hair with dark green eyes and such.

Y/N - your name
F/N - first name
L/N - last name

Your Look:
Hair - Silver Hair (medium in length)
Eyes - Silver grey with light blue lines
Skin - Fair, not too tan, and not too pale
Wings: White
Body: THICC AS FU- jk. Skinny, but athletic

Oh, and you're a girl. Just wanted to get that clear. But if you wanna see yourself as a guy, your imagination can do the work for ya.

This is the first time I'm trying something like this so hopefully you peeps enjoy it. Also, this is my second Bakugo x Reader so if you want a full-on "x reader" look with no OC ideas, my account has another one that will help ya there.

I wanna state that multiple events in this story may not be in exact order and most of them are not how the anime/manga portrays. Since I basically made this story off of memory, the events may be slightly different; just wanna make that clear. Also, there are a lot of moments I created too.

The comment section is your territory, your reign. I dare you ALL to say weird and funny shit, please because I love reading em. If you want, post feedback for chapters and such. I've gotten many comments on correcting my spelling and if you want to spend your time doing that, by all means SPAM IT. I just love reading comments so do whatever you guys want.

Ight ya suckers, let's get this show on the road, shall we?

Wings - Katsuki Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now