-Chapter 14-

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"Ok, to convert from moles to atoms, you make a fraction here." You did what Bakugo told you to do, writing the numbers and fractions in your notebook. "Now, convert them just like last time."

He's oddly calm today. This is what...our tenth session? Not sure, but it's been about two weeks and so far, he and everyone else has taken the bait for my act.

"Like this?" you asked, keeping your eyes away from his.

"Yea, you got it right."

Suddenly, your phone began to buzz in your pocket. "Sorry, let me pick this up," you spoke to him, grinning while hearing him grunt from the inconvenience.

"Make it quick!"

Standing, you turned away from the blonde boy, lifting the phone without seeing who it was. "Hello?" you questioned.

"Y/N." Just hearing his voice, you froze. Your hands twitched to the sound of your father on the other line. "Are you there?"

"Yea." a tear fell from your eyelid. Lowering your head, you forgot where you were. All you could think of was how much pain your father must be in. Hearing his voice all raspy gave you an idea about how much he's been crying. "Dad, I'm sorry." Your act finally broke after weeks of practice.

Bakugo raised his eyes quickly, hearing you sniffle. "Wings? Hey, stop crying!"

His voice snapped you back into reality. "I'm not crying!" you blurted with a small and fake grin. Wiping your tears, you continued, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to save him."

This hurts to talk about, but my dad must be so worried about me.

"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault."

You heard another voice shouting in the background of the call. "Hey! Who is that?! Is that Y/N?!" Your mother shouted, stealing the phone from your father. "You better kiss your academy goodbye! I'm pulling you out of that school!"

"What?!" you blurted, making Bakugo attempt to listen to the call.

"It's your fault Buddy is dead! You could've saved him but you didn't! Dammit!"

Your father reached for the phone, but your mother shoved him away. "You knew you had that despisable healing quirk yet you couldn't heal him?!"

"I forgot I had that, mom. You kind of beat it out of me," you mumbled, gritting your teeth to her words.

"You should've been the one that died, you insolent fool! You couldn't save him because you were so scared! You coward, you idiot!"

Then and there, you felt the streaming tears roll down your face, gripping your phone tightly as she shouted more insults. "You bitch! Do you not understand anything?! I stayed by his side all the time just so I could protect him!"

In Bakugo's mind, he finally realized why you were always so close to your brother; it was so you could protect him if anything were to happen.

"Mom! I love Buddy more than you ever will! He's my twin brother and my hero! He shoved me away in battle because he knew they wanted our wings!" Taking a few deep breaths, you dug your nails into your palms. "You're the fucking coward. You beat me like hell just because I had the same quirk as you, and because of that, you forced my child mind to forget that quirk!" Bakugo stood slowly as you continued. "Ya know? If I knew about that quirk then I probably would've given my life just to save his." Your legs began to buckle as your breathing became irregular. You couldn't speak normally without having to sniffle or cough.

"Maybe you should've just died that day," she grumbled.

Bakugo quickly ripped the phone from your hand, making you flick your head towards him. He blew up your phone in his palm, causing you to gasp. "Damn, she is so annoying! Let's hurry up this session so I can go to bed!" Bakugo shouted, sitting back on the floor.

You stumbled a few steps forward, staring at Bakugo. "I-I'm sorry." You quickly wiped the falling tears and sat back in your spot. Bakugo continued teaching in a somewhat calm voice. Though he was still teaching, you couldn't help but think of the action he had just taken.

He...blew up my phone because my mom was shouting at me.

"Was that his way of being nice?" You sighed, wiping more tears away from your cheeks.

"What?" he questioned, looking into your silver orbs. Seeing this made your heart thump. Quickly, you shoved your eyes back to the notes.

Maybe he destroyed my phone because she was shouting, which he must find annoying even though he does it himself.

"Hey, are you even listening to me?!" Bakugo raised his eyes to see your soft grin. Your eyes were lost in the notes. Another tear left your eye, making him pause for a moment.

"I'm listening." You raised your arm to wipe the tear away. "You don't need to worry about me."

His red irises shot back down to the notes. "Why the hell would I worry about you?" A chuckle left your breath as you rewrote his words.

This is odd. This session just feels off.

Wings - Katsuki Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now