-Chapter 37-

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 You felt something move beneath your body. The warmth made you want to stay connected to it. "Hey, wake up." Hearing a soft voice made you shake your head.

"I wanna stay here. My head hurts."

Bakugo lifted his upper body, forcing your head to follow the warmth. You straddled his waist with your arms down your sides. Your head rested on his chest. "Y/N, I swear." Recognizing his voice, you opened your eyes partially, realizing that you were in Bakugo's room.

This is his room and the warmth is...Bakugo himself!

Your cheeks quickly flushed as you pushed your hands forward, seeing Bakugo in front of you. "Katsuki! Oh, shit! What happened?" you asked, looking into his eyes with confusion.

"You got drunk last night from the party and barged in here and decided to sleep with me! That's what happened!" He looked a bit angry, making you more worried.


"You just fell asleep on my chest, nothing else happened." He looked away with angeled brows. "It was difficult to breath last night!"

You shook his shoulders. "Why didn't you shove me off?"

"Because! You didn't budge!" He looked your way, seeing your flushed cheeks.

Is she embarrassed or is it...her feelings?

"Why are you blushing?" Bakugo questioned, seeing your figure shrink. Your head hung low, hiding your face behind your hair.

Dropping your hands, you replied, "Cause."

Cause I was sleeping with you all night! That's so awkward and it makes me feel strange. Gosh, emotions are difficult. I've never slept beside anyone. This is just all weird. Did I say anything last night that made this worse?

Shooting your face upwards, you looked into his crimson orbs. "Stop making me feel weird things, Katsuki!" You hopped off his bed and crossed your arms. "Did I say anything weird last night?"

Katsuki's face flushed a bit as he thought about your confession. "Yea, but I'm not saying shit!"

Spinning around, you blurted, "Tell me!"

"This is your punishment for barging in here!"

You hummed as you thought about your parents. "Besides this, have they received any reports on my parents?" Your cheeks turned back to the somewhat pale skin.

"They haven't said anything yet," Bakugo replied, watching you pace around. "Stop pacing!" His shout forced you to sit on the edge of the bed.

"I...damn! There's so much to think about right now!" Your hands found your scalp and shuffled your hair locks while you were trying to straighten your thoughts.

"Stop thinking about it all at once! Did I, your tutor, ever teach you that?! You know, you're kind of being annoying shouting like that. Will you ever just chill out?" He scoffed as you looked his way.

"I'd say that your shouting more often than me."

"What was that?!" he blurted, giving you fuming eyes. Chuckling lightly, you stood.

We have only a few more days to practice for the festival and my parents...I haven't received anything.

"We should go talk to the band about practicing, we have only a few more days." you mumbled, making Bakugo stand in frustration.

"But they all annoy me! I don't wanna spend another minute with them."

"Ok, then just go with your best friend, which is me." Suddenly, he paused, making you look back at the sudden silence. "What, you hate me too? Last I recall, you allowed me to sleep on your bare chest." Though you felt weird about that situation, something pushed you to speak of it in a teasing manner.

"Shut up!" His shocked self snapped back to normal, making you grin.


"Y/N and Bakugo, I assume you know why I asked you to wait after class." You both nodded to Aizawa's words, seeing him stand at the pedestal and pull up a manilla file. "I-I don't know how to tell you this, but here are pictures of your father's beatings when they found him almost unconscious when they arrived." Aizawa presented the photos, making you gasp as you stepped back, feeling Bakugo's body stop you.

"That's what he looked like? Is he ok now?" you asked, keeping your eyes on the man with many bruises over every limb and his face swollen and bleeding. His teeth were all in but the purple marks over his skin and the blood dripping down the sides of his arms. You couldn't help but feel rage.

"He's at the hospital recovering." He pulled the picture together and placed them back in the file. "As for your mother, she is to be tried in court, although I think she will be found guilty." Pulling your body off of Bakugo's, you heard him grunt.

"Ya know, this is absolute bullshit! They should lock her up right then and there because we all know she's the one who did it!" Bakugo balled his fists, you taking notice of his hostility.

"Honestly! What are they doing?!" you tagged along, feeling the anger boil your blood.

Aizawa sighed, tucking the folder beneath his armpit. "People have to be tried, that's how it works. Besides, your father is telling us that it isn't her."

If you weren't angry before, you definitely are now. Your nails dug into your palms as your breathing fumed. "He doesn't understand," you grumbled, dropping your eyes to the ground.

"That hag needs to be in jail!" Bakugo shouted.

"If my father never learns...then...then." your expression shifted. It was full of anger, but when you started to think of your father negatively, you caught glimpses of the past. Him smiling toward you and Buddy and eating his miso soup; all of it made you want to cry. Thinking of the times when he was happy and now seeing his beaten body made you feel sorry for the one parent who actually cared for you. "Why can't he see that she has gone so far deep?"

"Y/N, he might not accept that fact, and maybe that's why he's refusing to say who beat him. Just don't take action on your own, ok? I know you're angry." Aizawa spoke softly, reminding you of the time when he told you about your hidden quirk.

"It's just, why can't he see it?"

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