-Chapter 40-

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Watching Aizawa shift his arm across the chalkboard made you sigh. Your chin rested in the palm of your hand as you flipped your pencil around your fingers. The beating hot sun shone brightly through the windows, causing the room to grow warmer by the minute. Though Aizawa was talking about maneuvering tactics, you couldn't help but think of someone else.

I hope my dad is ok. Mom had her trial yesterday and the jury made a decision this morning, but I still don't know what it is.

When the bell rang for lunch, you heard everyone quickly leave their desks. Bakugo stood and hastily walked towards the door, realizing you weren't with the group. Turning his head, he noticed your dazed look watching the pencil in your hand.

"What are you doing?" Bakugo asked, but you gave no answer.

Aizawa sat in the seat beside you, looking towards the ash-blonde boy. "It's about her parents." Bakugo parted his lips as he rushed to his normal seat. "Y/N, I got the results of the hearing."

You stopped flipping your pencil and shifted your bored-looking eyes towards the teacher. "Tell me."

"She's sentenced to one year in prison." You widened your eyes.

So, she's going to jail. But why one year?! It should be longer!

You scoffed, shoving the chair from beneath you. "Interesting. I was hoping for a harsher sentence but you can't argue with the law." Looking towards Aizawa with a saddened grin, you said, "Thanks for telling me though." He nodded.

Looking back to see Bakugo standing, you gave him the same slight grin as you continued to the door.

"Wings, how long were you hoping for?"

"A few more years, at least that's what she deserves." You took a deep breath in and gripped the shirt over your chest. "I'm not gonna fight with the court's decision, but..." you paused yourself, thinking that your finishing sentence would be a bad idea. "I hate her so as long as she is in jail, everything is ok." You dropped your hand and turned to see Bakugo with his calm look.

What's up with him? Looking so calm in front of me is happening much more frequently, especially ever since the festival.

Looking away, you stuffed your hands in your skirt pockets. Your head hung low as your eyes watched your feet take every step. You chuckled inside, thinking about changing your approach to Bakugo. He's always been calm recently and it had you slightly worried about it, but you liked it. With a slight smirk, you glanced to his side, seeing him casually walk down the hall alongside you.

"Keep going, Ima tie my shoe really quick." He grunted as you knelt down, seeing him slowly continue. Quickly, you stood and dashed his way. He didn't bother turning, knowing it was you, but what he didn't know was the fact that you had just hopped on his back without warning.

"The hell?!" he shouted flinging his body around, noticing that you were dangling there. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

"Just messing with ya! Why are you so calm all the time? It's making me kinda worried." You pulled yourself up, still gripping his shoulders. Whispering in his ear, you said, "You seem down more than calm actually, what's up?"

"You're the one who's depressed! Now get off my back!" You chuckled to yourself, hopping off.

"Bet you I'll get to the cafeteria first, loser." You lifted your hand in the shape of an "L". His face fumed as his angry eyes grew back. Quickly, you ran down the hall, hearing his fast-approaching steps. "Why are you so slow?"

Once you made it to the cafeteria, you dodged a few kids to reach the line for food. Bakugo was right behind you. When he made it in line, he shoved your back forwards in anger; you almost toppled over the kid in front of you. Spinning your head quickly, you smile greatly.

Wings - Katsuki Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now