-Chapter 28-

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With a large smile on your face and you being ready for class, you started knocking quickly on Bakugo's door. Kirishima snickered to the left of you as your knocking continued. "Get up, Bakugo!"

After a minute or two, he swung the door open with his uniform on. "The hell is wrong with you?!" He punched your shoulder, but you just brushed it off with a smile.

"You know, Y/N came up with the idea of waking you up this time," Kirishima spoke, standing beside Bakugo as the three of you marched down the hall.

"Good, you do it again, I'll kill you!"

With a smirk and lively eyes, you mumbled, "I'd like to see you try." He flicked his head towards you, almost forcing another laugh out of you. He took notice of your actions this morning thinking you were in a better mood.

Once you three reached the classroom, you all sat in your designated seats. Kirishima put earbuds in and played a game on his phone. Bakugo placed his buds in and rested his head on his desk. Glancing back towards the boy, you flipped your chair around. Seeing an opening beside his head, you placed your arms there and lowered your forehead on top.

Bakugo felt your elbow graze his hair, him lifting his head. "Hey, you have your own desk!"

"Yours is better."

Bakugo grunted. "That makes no damn sense!"

Lifting your left arm, you waved him off and continued to keep your head on his desk. "Let me just lay here for a bit."

Bakugo leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed. "I'm tired, why'd you idiots wake me up so early?"

"How do you think I felt, huh?" your voice was muffled, but he was able to make it out.

"We had a rea-"

"Oh, yea. What was that reason?" Your eyes met his, your chin resting on your hands. "When we had that talk, you never told me."

"You never asked.

"Well, I'm asking now."

Bakugo looked away from you, not saying a word.

"That's fine. It's whatever. I guess my best friend has a secret." Bakugo scoffed at your use of "best friend" but he didn't make a big deal of it. You tucked your head back in your arms, closing your eyes.

As the class filled in, many of the students glanced at Bakugo's desk.

"Can you extras stop glancing?!"

Midoriya came close to the desk, looking toward you. "Is she ok?"

"Of course she is! Now back off! I don't want to hear your voice, nerd!" Midoriya hummed and slowly walked away from Bakugo. You were fast asleep so you couldn't hear any of the interactions.

As Aizawa stepped in, his eyes immediately found Bakugo's desk. "Is she alright?"

"Yes! Why do you all think she's dead or something?" Bakugo sighed, straightening his legs under his desk. "She's tired is all and for some reason decided to sleep on my desk. She's so annoying!"

"It's good she likes you enough to sleep on your desk," Aizawa stated, standing at the podium. "What I'm about to say is nothing that important anyway except that our operation will occur in a few days. We've received all the information needed to hopefully pull this off." The students nodded as you breathed quietly.

"Who's going to with what group?" Jiro questioned, seeing Aizawa shrug in response.

"The teams are still being built and we may have some last-minute changes just in case."


After your nice nap, you yawned on your way to the dorms.

"Hey, you guys wanna go get ice cream?" Kaminari asked.

You glanced towards Bakugo, who just so happened to be glancing towards you. This, for some reason, made your heart thump just a bit faster. "I'll go." you mumbled, seeing Kaminari raise a thumbs up.

"How about you Bakugo?" Kirishima asked, seeing Bakugo sigh.

"I'm coming so stop asking!" He stuffed his hands in his pockets and kept his eyes away from everyone.

"Hey, man. We only asked you like twice." Kaminari mentioned.

The only ones getting ice cream were you, Bakugo, Kirishima, and Kaminari, since everyone else seemed busy with other things. You all left the campus and worked your way to the ice cream shop.

"I know exactly what I'm getting," Kaminari spoke with a smirk on his face.

Kirishima looked his way. "And what's that?"

"Good ol' pistachio."

You nodded your head to the flavour choice. "That's not bad. I'd personally get vanilla and then put a bunch of stuff on top like cookie dough and maybe some oreo crumbs or something." The boys nodded to your typical ice cream. Flicking your head to your left, you asked, "What do you plan on getting, Bakugo?"

"What's it to you?!"

"I guess I'll find out."

You all made it to the shop. Kaminari got his pistachio ice cream while Kirishima grabbed a large cone of rocky road. A grin was plastered on your face from a bowl of vanilla ice cream loaded with delicious toppings. Bakugo, however, got a cone with vanilla ice cream and nothing on it.

Sitting down at a free table, you all slowly ate away your ice cream. Glancing towards Bakugo, you noticed him biting his ice cream. "You bite?" you questioned, seeing Bakugo raise his stern eyes.

"What?" Kaminari watched Bakugo take another bite of ice cream. "You do bite!"

"Let me just eat my damn ice cream!" you let out a soft laugh while taking another spoonful of toppings and some vanilla. "Wings made a weird concoction so judge her!"

"Hey, I'm the one that teases you, not the other way around."

"You're the only one with weird shit all over a perfectly good flavour. You basically ruined it." You scoffed in a fake way, probably pissing Bakugo off more.

"I'm sorry, do you want to buy me another one that's perfect?" you asked, seeing him face away from you and furiously eat his cone. "I like this, it's tasty."

"Rocky road hits, man," Kirishima mumbled, gobbling his cone down within seconds. You just stared as he wiped his hands on a napkin.

"Maybe you're all weird," you added.

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