-Chapter 16-

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 "We sold her and her brother's feathers," Dabi spoke to Kurogiri, giving him the signed documentation of the transaction. "We got the money that Giran wanted." A gust of wind from the broken window caused a few glasses to fall and shatter.

"That's good, now, Shigaraki." Kurogiri, who started mixing a drink, spun his head to face the grey-haired man with a subtle grin.

"We still need that girl," he replied in a raspy tone.

"Yea, I found that she has a healing quirk of sorts," Dabi spoke, leaning against the countertop of the bar.

Shigaraki grinned even wider, risking his chapped lips to split and bleed. "That is exactly what we need. She could be an asset to our team, even you Dabi."

Dabi chuckled lightly, looking down at his palm. "What if my disadvantage kills her?"

"Why would that matter? She is just a pawn in our game. Besides, if we get her to switch to our side by possibly getting some potion of sorts, she would heal in a way where she wouldn't kill herself."

Toga chuckled while gripping her knife. "I do have her brother's blood in stock!"

Dabi angeled his eyebrows down as he smirked with evil intent. "When do we grab her?"

Kurogiri poured the drink he was mixing into a glass. "She must be devastated about what happened to her brother; it should be easier to take her out in the open." Shigaraki nodded to his friend's words.

"We can use Toga. If she gets caught, then she can spy from within the cell about the villains around." Dabi suggested, receiving a nod from the boss.

"Let's give her a few days so we can make something that would force her to comply and maybe if we get a certain someone on our side, he may help us out even more." After receiving his drink, Shigaraki continued. "Let's just test her first and see if the heroes are gonna go after her."


"That storm was wild!" Kaminari blurted as he sat in his seat."

Aizawa stepped into the room. "I hope you enjoyed your flooding dorms because you're not gonna see it for a while." Aizawa coughed a few times then continued. "The League of Villains are on the move. There have been spottings of a few of them lurking the streets. Be careful when you leave the campus." Aizawa warned, looking in your direction. He noticed your dazed look watching the rain fall. "Understood?" he called out, hearing everyone else shout a yes, except you.

"Wings!" Bakugo shouted, kicking the back of your chair, snapping you back into reality. "Did you hear Aizawa?!"

You widened your eyes and flicked your head towards your teacher. "Huh? Oh, yea!" you blurted from embarrassment.

"What did I say?" Aizawa asked, glaring into your eyes.

"Uh... to not go into the streets?" you questioned, hearing a sigh from his breath.

"The League of Villains have been spotted lurking the streets; be careful leaving the campus." You nodded, seeing his eyes look away.

There he goes; Bakugo saved me, somewhat, again.

Aizawa slithered into his yellow sleeping bag and crawled towards the corner of the room. "Do whatever while I sleep. We finished with instruction today." The students cheered and stood from their desks. Staring out the window with your head resting in your palm, you noticed the clouds disperse.

"Pay attention next time!" Bakugo raised his legs over his desk, crossing his arms.

A grin appeared on your face, looking at him from the corner of your eye. "Thanks, Bakugo." He widened his eyes to your soft voice. "For saving me again." Sighing, you watched the sun creep into reality, making your smile slowly shift into a sorrowful look.

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