-Chapter 27-

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As Bakugo marched back to his room, it being late at night, you followed from far behind. You took the stairs to his room while he took the elevator.

I'll talk to him now, and if he thinks I'm a burden then I don't know...I'll just have to wait and see.

Seeing him walk into his room and shut his door, you slowly approached his position. Raising your fist, it took you a few seconds to finally knock three times. Your heartbeat was fast; you were worried about how he would take it.

When the door opened, you stuffed your hands in your pockets. You parted your lips to start speaking, but a voice interrupted you. "You're acting, aren't you?" Shooting your eyes up to his red orbs, you were shocked. "Knew it."

"Can we talk in your room?" you asked, seeing his calm face. His body shifted to the side, allowing you to walk through.

It's not so depressing here as it is in my room.

"So...I wanna ask this again. Do you-"

"Shut up about that, will you?! I'm tired of hearing you ask me that so many times!" He sat on the edge of his bed as you stood.


"You need to stop saying sorry all the time." Bakugo moved his body to lay his head on his pillow with his legs stretched out on the bed.

You pulled your fists out of your pockets, gritting your teeth. "This is hard for me, but I need to tell you. You already know that I've been acting in front of everyone."

"Why?" Bakugo kept his eyes to the ceiling.

Growing a bit infuriated that he won't speak, you stomped towards the bed, sitting criss-crossed beside him.

"Let me speak." When he was silent, you finally continued. "I don't want anyone to worry about me. Everyone has already moved on from Buddy's death, but I feel so guilty." Your eyes glistened as you looked down at your lap. Bakugo glanced towards you, relating to the guilt. "I cry every night just thinking about it. He isn't here anymore and...I miss the times we would spend together." You raised your eyes, making contact with Bakugo. A tear trickle down your cheek. "That one night I came to your room...I was crying like crazy before you opened the door." You couldn't keep a straight face anymore. Your baring broke and your head ducked, feeling embarrassed.

What am I doing?

"That night, I was going to ask you for help because you helped me before. When I punched the mirror and you stopped me, I was so grateful. I had those same urges that one night and when you yelled at me saying that I wasn't your time, I believed it." Bakugo's eyes widened to your words. "And now, I think you hate me and that tutoring me and saving me is just wasting your time." You took a second to sniffle and wipe the tears away from your cheeks, but that didn't do much.

He isn't even saying anything.

"I know I'm a burden to you. I'm a burden to everyone, so that's why I have to act happy so they all believe I'm ok. You're the only one who's seen me at my worst and honestly, I want to keep it that way." You raised your saddened eyes to see his expression. To your shock, he stayed calm. "I'm sorry. I just keep running to you because you know this stuff and that's why I'm another annoying extra who can't save a damn life!" Your sadness turned into anger. "I can't do anything by myself because I'm weak, Bakugo!"

You hid your face as he lifted his upper body.

"I needed my brother and with him gone I need someone else so I go to you. I'm so sorry." You pulled your knees to your chest and buried your face. "I'm so sorry."

"Didn't I tell you to stop saying sorry? Damn." He lifted his hand to your forehead and flicked it. Raising your head, you looked up to Bakugo. He seemed unfazed by your words, yet was so calm; he wasn't the same person. "I've noticed you acting all weird and it was pissing me off."

Lifting your hand to your forehead, you rubbed the spot he flicked. "So, you don't hate me?"

His face went back to his irritated look. "The hell gave you that impression?!"

After a few seconds of silence, you started to chuckle. Bakugo was so confused. You calmed your laugh, saying, "Are you crazy? You always shout and stuff. A lot of people would think you hate them." Wiping the tears off your face, you had the urge to do something else.

Man, he took this a lot better than I expected. It makes me wanna hug him.

"Thank you." The corners of your lips perked up, causing him to scoff.

"Is this another fake smile?"

Shaking your head, you replied, "This is real." You leaned your head forward, resting it on Bakugo's shoulder.

He twitched. "Hey!"

"Just give me a second, ok?" He was going to shove you off, but with the way you asked, he decided against it. "Thank you so much." After taking a deep breath, you lifted your head. "I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders after telling you all that." A nervous chuckle came from you as you looked at your hands.

Bakugo sighed, looking away from you. "I was guilty too." Hearing those words almost made your heart stop.

Bakugo feeling guilty? For Buddy's death?

"Wait, wha-?" He placed his hand on your mouth, forcing you to look at his face. His eyes were looking away from yours and his cheeks were a light shade of pink.

He feels embarrassed.

"If you didn't hear me the first time then I'm not saying it again!" You nodded, pulling his hand off your face.

You turned your body, getting off his bed. "I don't care what you say, but I consider you my best friend right now." Your legs began to move towards the door.

"Wait, what?!" he blurted, but you quickly shut the door and walked down the hall.

As you made your way to your room, your smile still presented itself. Your heart was beating so fast that you couldn't help but wonder what this feeling was.

Am I actually truly happy right now?

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