-Chapter 39-

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"Rehearsal sounded good so we should be great out there." Jiro lifted her thumb to the band, then looked back to give a thumbs up to the dance group.

Mina jumped in excitement. "I can't wait!"

A grin grew across your lips.

We've practiced for this very moment; it should go just as planned.

"Give it up for Class 1-A and their assembled band of heroes!" With Present Mic shouting the introducing words, your class stayed still and watched the curtains slide from the middle of view to the sides of the stage.

Lights shone on your group. Holding the violin up to your chin and hovering the bow above the strings, you were reading to play the piece. Bakugo sat beside you, tapping his foot on the wooden stage, making the starting beat. Once his sticks hit the drums, everyone started their performance. Your hand glided through the air with the bow, playing such loud sounds as it is an electric violin. Hearing these notes brought a large smile to your face. As the guitars played on a separate key and hearing Jiro's voice, the feeling of being alive shifted your stance. You stood still in the beginning but now, your body was swaying to the tone blasting towards the audience; you couldn't help but feel groovy.

As your solo was coming up in the song, the guitars, voice, piano, and other instruments began to fade. Your violin perked up in sound and was suddenly booming louder in the speakers. Bakugo glanced your way, noticing the bright smile that you used to show so often.

You closed your eyes, allowing your muscle memory to take over.

This all feels too natural. It's as if Buddy is teaching me again.

Opening your eyes, you imagined Buddy was in the crowd. Your gaze fell on the audience, hallucinating that his body was visible. He waved with the largest smile on his face. When the other instruments started blending in, you noticed that your ears perked to the sound of the drums. While playing your part, you glanced towards the ash-blonde beside you.

Though he may look either angry or irritatingly calm, he seems like he's at peace right now.

When his eyes caught yours, you grinned his way, shifting your body sideways to get a few inches closer to the drums.

These drums sound so good.

Once the final beat played and your violin stroke ended the song, everyone in the crowd clapped. You took notice of a little girl sitting on Lamillion's shoulders. Eri's smile was the largest anyone could've imagined. Her silver hair made you think she was a similar image to you when you were young.

"Cute," you whispered to yourself as you heard slight panting to your side. "Katsuki?"

When looking his way, you noticed his hair was slightly damp from the sweat, and not to mention the heat was a bit harsh.

He's worn out from bashing drums, yet he doesn't look that tired while training.

A chuckle left your lips, making him focus on you. There was this glint in his eyes that gave you a really giddy feeling.

"You looked so happy playing. Your beats were super cool too!" You lowered the violin and bow as you noticed the rest of your class migrate off the stage. Bakugo stood, following behind you.

Once you got off stage, your class surrounded and congratulated each other. You were happy when playing, but the heat of the day was really getting to you. Using your sleeve, you wiped a few sweat drops off your forehead, feeling slightly light-headed.

Looking to your right, you saw Bakugo take a few sips of some water. Due to the urge, you lunged forward, snatching his water bottle and downing the cold liquid.

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