-Chapter 2-

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Walking into the living room of your house, you could smell the broth and vegetables from the kitchen. A smile grew on your face as you approached your father, who was much taller than your small stature.

He glanced your way as he stirred the steaming broth. "Oh, hey Y/N. Want some miso soup?"

A gleaming look appeared on your face as if your eyes sparkled at the mention of your favourite simple dish. "Yes!"

Suddenly, loud footsteps rubbled into the kitchen; your brother was laughing hysterically as your mother was chasing him around. Your mother tried grabbing your brother's white wings but missed every time since they were much smaller than him.

A chuckle escaped your breath as you turned toward your father. "Daddy, why are Buddy's wings so much smaller than mine when we're the same age?"

"That's because girls grow up faster than boys."

You widened your eyes as he smiled at your reaction.

A loud crash rang through the house, making both you and your father spin towards the accident. Buddy was on the floor, crying as he gripped a large gash on the side of his face. Glass was shattered on the floor beside him.

"Buddy!" you quickly ran towards your brother, sitting on your knees beside him.

Your father left the spoon on a dish beside the pot and dashed to the scene. Your mother paused his tracks with her arm. "Don't worry, I'll clean him up, just don't let the food burn." Your father gave a worried look to her words. "He'll need a tasty dinner." She grinned as she rushed to the bathroom for supplies.

Seeing Buddy cry gave you watered eyes; small tears slowly trickled down the sides of your cheeks. "Buddy, I'll help you," you mumbled as you moved his hand away from his pale face and placed yours over the wound. "Mommy will help you too." As you grinned with a few tear stains on the sides of your cheeks, you noticed Buddy calm down.

"Thanks, sissy," he spoke back, trying to smile back, wincing to the sudden pain.

As thoughts of stopping the bleeding rushed through your mind, a sudden pain hit your cheek, as if something had scratched it.

"Y/N! Get your hand away from him!" your mother shouted, making you shake your head.

"Buddy needs me!" The pain increased in your cheek.

"Get your hand away from him!" She slapped your hand away, quickly placing pressure on his cheek with a gauze.

Your eyes widened to her action; your forearm stung as your cheek still ached. Hearing her yell at you like this made more tears flow down the sides of your face; it was like rivers running.

"Honey! Don't do that to her," your father butted in, glaring at his wife while casually stirring the broth. Once his eyes fell to you, they widened as if some realization occurred. "Don't get pissed because of her."

Your mother growled while bandaging the boy's cheek. She spun to look at your cheek as well. "That's good." She sighed as she stood. "I'm taking him to the hospital. It'll need stitches."

With tears streaming and your nose getting stuffy, you asked, "Can I come too?" Your mother glared in your direction.

"Not this time."

As she walked away with Buddy leaning on her shoulder, you waved towards him. A smile resonated on his face as the sunshine beamed in from behind him. "Bye, sissy."

Wings - Katsuki Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now