-Chapter 24-

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After the internships and the train ride back, you followed most of the students to UA. Your arm and leg healed up quickly. There wasn't much of a crowd to worry about while walking, in fact, it was quite open. You followed your classmates, yet you were in your thoughts.

Did I do good, Buddy? I improved my fighting by using more of my senses and I helped Ida and the others in the fight with Stain. I didn't do much fighting against Stain though.

You grinned as your eyes stayed on the ground beneath your feet. "I think I did well."

Once you made it to the dorms, everyone quickly placed their belongings in their rooms and made it back to the lobby.

"Well, let's all eat a fine dinner and watch a movie before resting!" Mina proposed, and as usual, everyone agreed.

As Momo, Uraraka, Mina, and Kaminari cooked the food, you were out on your balcony, holding the printed photo of Buddy in your hand. The breeze was harsh that you could barely hear. The photo would try to find ways to escape from your grip, but your fingertips held on.

With a sigh, you mumbled, "How could I do what I did? How could I doubt you, Buddy? This world had my head spinning. I'm trying to get back on my feet. But my heart, man."

"Hey! Stop talking to yourself! It's time to eat, Wings!" Bakugo shouted from your opened door. Stuffing the picture in your back pocket, you rushed to follow him to the lobby.

Sero blurted, "She's here! Alright, start the movie!"

Turns out, Kaminari's idea about making homemade pizza stuck, so you stole a slice and sat in your usual spot. Within seconds, it was gone, causing Midoriya to raise a brow.

"How did you eat that so fast?" he questioned from your left.

You shrugged, standing to throw the paper plate away. When you sat back down, you heard a few screams from the jumpscare. Sitting criss-cross-applesauce on the couch, you continued to watch the mysterious horror film.

They need to stop screaming, it's not that scary. Buddy never liked scary movies.

The more you heard them, the more you thought about how scared Buddy would be to watch this. Your grin was soft and saddened, but no one noticed it.

Another jump scene occurred, making Bakugo angry. "Man, they are idiots! People in horror movies are so dumb!"

"You're not wrong, Kacchan," Midoriya added, standing to pick up plates from everyone that was finished.

Your eyes grew heavy and your thoughts started to get hazy. Without even thinking, you leaned your head toward the boy to your right. Bakugo flinched, looking your way quickly. "Hey!" he blurted, capturing Izuku's attention. "Get off me!"

"She's just tired." Midoriya looked your way with soft eyes and a subtle grin. "She worked hard today." You were sound asleep, forcing Bakugo to stay put.

Bakugo glared at Midoriya. "Better shut that mouth of yours before I shut it for you."

Dammit, babysitting Wings again.

When the movie came to an end, everyone took notice of you sleeping on Bakugo's shoulder.

"Awe, why can't she do that with me?" Minetta questions, staring at you with watered eyes.

Bakugo clenched his fists, blurting, "Can you guys stop being annoying? This isn't what it looks like, alright? She just fell on my shoulder and went to sleep." He looked away, resting his chin in his palm, feeling tempted to shove you away.

Kirishima chuckled to Bakugo's explanation, walking forward to look at your peaceful self. "Look at you two, practically peas in a pod."

"Shut it, shitty hair!" Everyone began to laugh as they cleaned the dishes and began to go to their rooms one by one. Bakugo gritted his teeth at their snickers and finally had enough. Flicking his head to you, he shoved you off his body much harder than he anticipated. Though this forced you to collapse on the cushion at high speeds, you were still passed out.

How is she still asleep?

Bakugo sighed, looking towards your peaceful self. He stood and started to walk away. His mind came across the event with your brother. "It's my fault she's so depressed. Dammit," he murmured to himself. His footsteps paused as he gritted his teeth. Pivoting on the balls of his feet, he stumbled back to your position. Sliding his hands under your upper back and knees, he picked you up bridal style and began walking down the hall.

"You're annoying, Wings. You were back then and you are now." he sighed, opening your dorm door.

He slowly lowered you onto your bed, seeing you adjust yourself to get comfortable. As he was making his exit, the open bathroom caught his eyes. Looking in its direction, he noticed the clean area with a shattered mirror.

"That was a crazy night." His eyes met back to your face as he saw you crying in the flashing memories of his mind. Looking around your room, he noticed the pictures of you and Buddy stripped from the room. "Why did you get rid of them?" Widening his eyes, he realized what he was saying. His face presented his normal irritated look. "You're being annoying even in your sleep. Stop making me think things, Wings." He finally opened the door.

Damn, this is so irritating!

Shutting the door behind himself, he huffed and puffed all the way to his room.


A pounding at your door woke you up. "Wake up, Wings!"

"Why?" you questioned, rolling out of bed, literally. A loud thump resulted from your body falling on the floor. You sighed, standing up and struggling to walk. "What?"

"C'mon, Y/N! We have to get to class." Kirishima stated, making you sigh.

"You guys have been waking me up so early this past week. You know it is six in the morning? I swear you guys are going to kill me."

Kirishima grinned as Bakugo leaned his back against the wall. "We're just looking out for ya, you know? Gotta be in class early."

"Ok, ok. I'll get ready."

You got ready at a somewhat fast pace: washing your face, throwing on your clothes, and grabbing your bag. Both Bakugo and Kirishima have been waking you up early for a week, and you still have no idea why.

"I'm ready." Your eyes didn't look tired anymore, in fact, you felt awake. "Can't wait to sit in class for an hour and do nothing!"

Kirishima laughed at your exaggeration. "Hey, gotta be early."

You looked his way, seeing Bakugo past him. "Can you please tell me why you've been waking me up early?"

"No," Bakugo mumbled, keeping his eyes forward.

A sigh escaped your breath as you stuck your hands in the pockets of your skirt. "Whatever, I guess."

Why not tell me?


"I'll work with you as long as you can help me with getting rid of quirks." The man that spoke wore a beak-like mask over his nose and mouth. He also wore white gloves and a green and purple coat.

"Great, Overhaul." Shigaraki grinned underneath the hand mask.

"Don't interfere with my experiment." Overhaul stated, angeling his brows down, making sure Shiagraki wouldn't do so.

"Agreed, let's just sign this agreement."

Dabi grinned while crossing his arms. Toga chuckled beside Twice who watched the signing.

Shigaraki and Overhaul made a pact while UA figured out the nomu issue. Information about Overhaul and their plans started circling after the spotting of a young silver-haired girl being spotted by Mirio and Midoriya. Your thoughts on this were one of determination and sadness.

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