-Chapter 44-

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Bakugo knocked on your door the next morning but you never opened it. "Wings! Wake up!" It was already noon on a free day, so he knew this was unusual, as you wake up early. "I'm coming in!"

Once he opened the door, he noticed your sheets all messed up and your desk chair laying on the ground. Picture frames of Buddy and yourself were shattered and scattered around the room. He slowly walked in with angered eyes. Your tapestries were ripped and torn. His eyes gazed towards the bathroom, seeing the mirror completely gone and glass all over the floor.

What the hell happened?! I thought she got over it by now! Was it what I said to her that other night?

Bakugo noticed your balcony door open,, the harsh winds blew the curtains away and brushed Bakugo's face.


Bakugo quickly dashed out of the room, rushing down the stairs and to the lobby. The other Class 1-A students stood in confusion as the boy seemed so on edge.

"Idiots! How could you not hear a thing last night?! Y/N is missing and her room is fucking destroyed!" Bakugo spun his head and tried racing towards the door, but Midoriya grabbed his wrist.

"Kacchan, you need to calm down."

Bakugo ripped his hand out of the boy's grip. "Shut the hell up, Izuku! I'm going to tell All Might and Aizawa so if you're not coming then fuck you guys!"

Bakugo was gone within a second. All their classmates dropped everything and started chasing after him.

While running Asui stated, "I don't remember hearing anything from her room. Not at all." She looked ahead to see Bakugo enter the school building. "Are the walls really that thick?"

"I guess so, they want to protect us after all," Todoroki added.


"All Might!" Bakugo blurted, entering the teacher's lounge. All Might and Aizawa sent confused eyes toward the boy. Vlad King kept his eyes on the computer but listened. "Y/N is missing and her room is a disaster! I think someone kidnapped her!"

Vlad King's eyes widened. "No one suspicious passed the gates, it would've sounded off an alarm," he stated, looking towards the ash-blonde.

The rest of Class 1-A stopped behind Bakugo, hearing the conversation.

"Let's look at the cams." All Might suggested, standing along with the other teachers. "Let's hope it tells us something like last time."

When everyone made their way to the security room, they took a look at the camera footage throughout the night. During one in the morning, you were spotted leaving the campus, but you were running.

"Why is she running?" Midoriya questioned, seeing All Might hum.

Vlad King pointed to one of the cameras angeled towards the dorm buildings. "She left on her own accord. No one ever entered or left her room through the balcony."

Bakugo balled his fists, feeling rage boil his blood. "Why would she just leave?! I didn't say anything wrong that would cause her to just...run away! Her room was a disaster and even the Buddy picture frames were shattered!" Bakugo turned towards All Might. "She would NEVER do that!"

All Might placed his hand on the fuming boy's shoulder. "I know that. There is something else at play."

Uraraka thought about yesterday, and how you told her something strange. "I may have a clue." In a second, all eyes flicked towards her. "She told me that I gave her a delicious tea yesterday before class started. I thought she was just messing with me but what if-"

"Toga," Kirishima mumbled, widening his eyes. "Wait, but wasn't she locked up?"

Vlad King rushed his fingers along a separate keyboard.

Uraraka nodded. "If Toga was here and acted as me, then she gave Y/N a substance."

Bakugo glared at the bubbly girl. "Toga transforms into people if she ingests blood. How the hell did she get yours?!"

The girl sighed, averting her gaze away from the dark glare. "During the battle at the summer camp, Toga and I got into a fight and she happened to take some of my blood."

"What?!" Bakugo shouted, taking a step forward.

All MIght pulled the boy back. "That was a while ago, young Bakugo. We can't focus on the past." His eyes widened, remembering the conversation the two of you had.

I told her something similar to that.

"Toga did escape." Vlad King mentioned. Everyone looked at a different screen, seeing the one in Toga's cell flicker as her restraints were laying on the floor. "How did she escape? When I try to see the footage from earlier yesterday, it's just plain black."

Aizawa leaned forward to get a closer look. "The traitor. We may have dorms, but the traitor must've set her free." Everyone got a foul taste in their mouths at the mention of the traitor from the USJ incident.

Midoriya stepped forward to take a look at the footage of you running. "If she drank something from Toga, then it must've been some mind manipulative substance. If Y/N isn't acting like herself, that seems like the only option."

Vlad King nodded, sighing at the evidence. "Maybe we can pair up our classes and see if we can make an advised plan." Vlad King looked toward the students. "We'll find her, don't worry."

"She wouldn't even answer our calls," Momo complained, making Bakugo freeze up for a second.

He turned to face the girl with black hair. "That's because I destroyed her phone. But she wanted me to do it since her mom was being hella annoying on the other end!" The students all thought about what he said.

"When was this?" Mina questioned, but Bakugo ignored it.

"Let's focus on finding her first." Midoriya butted in, keeping his eyes on the footage. "Kacchan, we'll find her. It will take time to make a plan though."

Aizawa nodded. "We'll speak to Nezu and see what his thoughts are. We need to be cautious in case if we are encountered by Toga again."

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