-Chapter 30-

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 Placing your hand on his chest, you took deep breaths. "Don't worry." The tears fell onto his unconscious body. Seeing him in this state made you think of how Buddy died in front of you. "You're not going to die." Activating your quirk, you felt the memories flash.

"What do you need help on?" he angrily muttered.

Bakugo stole the phone from your hand, making you flick your head towards him. He blew up your phone in his palm. "Gosh, she is so annoying! Let's hurry up this session so I can go to bed!"

Leaning forward with no more strength, Bakugo caught you, widening his eyes to your gesture.

You were always there when I needed you, huh?

"You don't deserve to be a hero if you're hurting yourself."

"Hurry up, Wings!"

"I feel guilty too."

You were always there! You were always kind to me in your own way! You were...there to save me every time. You helped me, Bakugo. I need to help you back.

The pain increased the more you kept your hands on his body. Your limbs began to feel weak as this is the largest wound you've ever healed. "I'll save you!" you blurted, seeing his chest slowly rise and fall. His breathing came back to normal, as yours became irregular. "I'll save you."

Bakugo's eyes opened partially, seeing your tears running down your cheeks. Your silver hair was dirtied as your silver eyes were reflected off the sunlight. His eyes traveled down to your hands.

She's...healing me.

"I'm going to save you, Bakugo! I don't care what it takes! I can't lose another person. I can't lose another person I care about." your voice softened as your body became weaker.

She's healing me!

Bakugo couldn't move, but he could speak. "Stop."

You gasped, seeing his red eyes. "Bakugo." You grinned greatly but didn't stop the healing process. "Don't worry, you'll move very soon."

"Stop...healing me." Shaking your head, you looked at his wound.

"I wasn't able to help Buddy and Nighteye. Both of them are dead because of me!" Your smile faded as your emotions were too hard to hold back. "Bakugo, I can't lose you too!"

He widened his eyes, moving his fingers and feet. "Stop healing me." his voice was clearer. "I said stop!" He reached towards you, gripping your shirt.

Your abdomen felt like fire. Hot blood dripped down your side as the red stains spread across your shirt. "How can I? I need to save you." Your eyelids started to lower; your vision began to blur. It hurt to breathe and to keep your upper body up. "I...need to save you."

Bakugo slapped your hands away from him. The pain stilled struck his side, but he pushed past it. The gash was still there, meaning you weren't able to heal him fully. Blood spilled out of his side as he raised his upper body.

"I said stop healing me!"

You sighed, coughing blood. "I need to save you."

"I'm fine!" he coughed, seeing the blood splatter on the ground.

"Not yet." you placed your weak hand on his shoulder, transferring his wounds to you. Because the wound isn't so big now, it transferred quicker.

He gritted his teeth, swinging his body up. Your hand fell to the ground as your consciousness was fading in and out. "Didn't you hear me?! Stop! I'm saved!"

Your body couldn't balance anymore, slowly falling sideways. Bakugo quickly captured you. He looked around, seeing Overhaul and Midoriya gone. His eyes found Nighteye impaled by many spikes. Ryukyu was struggling to move as her squad members tried helping her. His eyes looked back at yours.

"Hey! You saved me!" Bakugo stood, lifting you in the process. Your body was so weak, you couldn't heal him anymore, so he still had a hole through his side, but you had a majority of it. "You saved me, Y/N!" He began to walk forward, limping. A grin grew on your face from him using your real name.

"I did?" you questioned, smiling greater. He took notice of this, thinking of back when you crushed your mirror.

"I hurt you, let me heal you."

"Please forgive me. It's all my fault. Everything is my fault."

Then his thoughts switched to whenever you smiled after that event.

A chuckle escaped your breath. "Thanks for trying to help me, Bakugo."

"That's why my good friend, Bakugo is around."

You always confused me, Y/N. For some reason, I was able to figure you out, yet I couldn't. Then you made me feel something I couldn't understand! It's so confusing still! You were the one to get me to understand my own guilt! You got me to risk my life for Deku too!

"Hey!" Bakugo shouted.

"Bakugo, it's hard to see," you spoke, seeing nothing but black. Your breathing turned into quick gasps. Bakugo felt a light grip on his hero suit. "Bakugo, you're not fully healed yet."

He looked your way, noticing your eyes dull. "I'll save you cause that's what heroes do!" Bakugo raised his eyes to see Uraraka and Nejire. "Hey! She's dying! Help her!" Bakugo shouted, feeling himself weaken. The two began to run towards his position.

I have to keep going or else she'll die!

"It's ok if you can't save me."

"Don't you fucking say that!" Bakugo huffed and puffed, seeing Uraraka and Nejire run faster. "You're going to live, Y/N. You can't give up now!" He lifted you slightly, seeing you unconscious. Out of reaction, he started to shake you.

"Bakugo!" Nejire shouted, seeing him collapse on his knees. Uraraka touched both you and Bakugo, floating the two of you towards the ceiling. Uraraka touched her arm and then touched Nejire's shoulder. Though Uraraka was putting strain on her already stressed ability, she pulled you all above the ceiling of the deep deep cave.

"She's unconscious, hurry!" Uraraka blurted to the police officers and paramedics. Bakugo struggled to stand, Nejire aiding him to the ambulance. The paramedics pulled out a stretcher and placed you on top, buckling you as the stretcher was being pushed into the vehicle. Bakugo raised his head to see the four men keeping you stable.

Don't give up, Wings! Your brother would hate that. I would hate that!

Wings - Katsuki Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now