-Chapter 20-

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"Anyone injured? A small cut or bruise anywhere?" you questioned, seeing all the students pant with large smiles on their faces.

"What has you so hyped, Y/N?" Kaminari questioned, placing his elbow on your shoulder.

With a grin, you replied, "I need to practice my quirk. So if you have a small or big injury, please have me heal you." Kaminari grinned, raising his shirt slightly to reveal a large bruise on his side.

The students widened their eyes to the large purple spot, raising a brow.

"But how? You were just getting dumber by releasing so much electricity." Kirishima added.

Kaminari rolled his eyes while chuckling. "Well, when Bakugo was blowing the cement to pieces, one flung my way and hit me pretty hard."

"You shouldn't have been in my way!" Bakugo shouted.

Raising your right hand, it covered over the bruise, making Kaminari look your way from the cold touch. The grin on your face forced him to copy it. The bruise disappeared, making Kaminari laugh in amazement.

"Yo! That's cool!" he blurted as you nodded.

You noticed the others rush to your side. "Are you sure it's ok?" Midoriya questioned.

"I need to practice."

Most of the students presented their cuts and bruises, nothing too severe. The cuts appeared all over your body, and the bruises. Though you felt the stinging cuts against your sleeves and pants, you still grinned. Your classmates didn't even notice that you transferred their injuries to yourself because they were so amazed about the vanished wounds.

Bakugo walked forward, passing by your side. Pivoting on your toes, you asked, "Any wounds?"

"Knowing about what you did to yourself last night makes me think you're doing this for the same reason." You gasped, rushing to his side.

Your eyes scanned his body, seeing the small smudges of dirt and blood here and there. You placed your hand on the blonde's shoulder, hoping the transfer would work. "I'm doing this for quirk purposes. Buddy would've liked to see me toughen past my weaknesses. I know what I did was wrong, but I promise..." Raising your eyes, you saw his stern red ones looking at you. "I will not do that again."

You felt a few cuts open on your legs and your face. Bakugo noticed this, shooting his glare down to your hand. "Hey! Don't heal me!" He slapped your hand away from him.

With a smile, you started running toward the rest of the class. "I already did!" He growled, trying to catch up to you.

"You better give those cuts back to me!"

You began to chuckle, thinking of this as the racing game you and Buddy always played.

It's just like that.

From the happiness of the memory, you grinned as you kept on running; this smile had a saddening touch to it.

"Too bad!" you blurted, sliding in between your classmates.

Bumping into Iida, he blurted, "Hey! No running in the halls." You then realized you were inside the school building.

Kaminari placed his elbow on your shoulder, making you look his way. "Woah, what happened to your face?"

Shrugging, you stated, "Whenever I heal, I transfer the injuries to myself. I need to toughen up so this not only works out my quirk, but it also helps with my strength." Kaminari chuckled at the explanation.

"Hey!" Bakugo shouted, pushing past his classmates.

"Gotta go!" Dashing forward, you heard another shout from Iida, yet you ignored it. When you caught up to Aizawa, you looked behind you, seeing Bakugo disappear in the mob of classmates.

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