-Chapter 35-

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"Dad?" you questioned, hearing him sigh.

"You're mother has been depressed ever since we lost Buddy." Your ears perked to enhance your hearing.

This is serious.

"She hasn't been the same. Ever since she found out that you obtained her quirk, I tried telling her that you'll use it for good, but she never stopped hating you. I know you don't want to hear that-"

"I knew that, dad. Mom never loved me, but at least you and Buddy did. Now, please get to the point." Your eyebrows arched. Bakugo lifted his upper body to see if he can hear the conversation.

"Well, please don't get the police or anyone else involved because I can help her, I know I can." Hearing his unstable voice made you angry. "She's been hitting me time to time again. But it's nothing serious, just a few hits, ok?"

"Dad! That's serious!" you blurted, balling your fists. "She's abusing you!"

"I know that! But I can save her!" your father blurted for what seemed like the first time ever. You don't remember the last time he shouted like that. "Just...let me take care of her, ok? I know she's hurting inside, but I love her, Y/N." You gasped, covering your mouth with your free hand. Your eyes began to water.

"Dad, she's hurting you." You stood quickly, dropping your balled fist. "She's hurting me and she even thinks I'm a devil child. What is there to love about her?" The warm streams began to start.

I hate crying, it's so fucking annoying.

"But I've loved her for-"

"I don't care! She's hurting you! You know what? I'm going to get the heroes involved because if you look like that after her beating you, then she deserves to be locked up! I don't care if you love her dad! She's tearing you down into despair because I know you'll never fix her!" Your breathing became abnormal. Bakugo gritted his teeth and stood quickly. "You'll never fix her, dad! Don't even try! She's a worthless piece of shit that no one should care about! How are you still with a woman like her!" You pulled the phone away, clicking the hangup button. Lifting the phone in the air, you were ready to throw it to the ground.

Bakugo quickly snatched it from you, making you flick your angered eyes back, hearing your loud huffs. "We need to tell someone about-"

"I know that! You know what? I'm gonna kill that wretched woman myself! She's been hurting my family for years!" Your breathing grew louder as you couldn't hold the anger inside you. "I need to punch something right now," you grumbled, turning towards Bakugo's bed. Your fists shot forward to the mattress.

"Stop acting like a child, Y/N! We need to go and fix this right now!" Bakugo shouted, pulling your shoulder back. "Let's go!" He grabbed your wrist and began dragging you out of the room.

"I'm going to kill that woman, Katsuki." He looked back to see your eyes present darkness he hasn't recognized before. "She's going to die."

"Stop talking like that!" His grip on your wrist tightened.

"I'll make her suffer the way my father and I have suffered. She'll want me to kill her, but I'll just keep pulling her soul apart piece by-" Suddenly, you felt your back hit the wall. Your hands were pinned as Bakugo's eyes were glaring your way.

"Stop talking like that, it isn't like you at all. You won't kill anyone because you're a healer and a hero. There is no way I will let you make anyone suffer, you hear me?" You felt your chest tighten as your fingernails dug into your palms.


Suddenly, you felt his arms engulf you in a hug. Your eyes widened as your gasp was short. Frozen, you didn't know what to do. Your anger slowly drowned away as you realized it was Bakugo who was hugging you. Feeling your heart beat fast, you couldn't help but let the anger go for the moment. Time slowed as you rested your head in the nook of his neck.

Katsuki actually...hugged me. I never thought he'd do this.

Your cheeks were a bright rosy colour, but he never noticed.

"Ok, I'll stop," you mumbled, feeling him pull you away. "But we need to help him." Bakugo nodded and grabbed your wrist, pulling you down the hall.

Why is Katsuki like my emotional support buddy?


"Aizawa. All Might." Bakugo spoke, seeing the teachers type on their computers in the teacher's lounge. "I need to tell you something important." Your eyebrows arched as Bakugo stood beside you. "Y/N's-"

"My father is being abused by my mother. She has gone crazy ever since my brother's death." Aizawa stood quickly as did All Might, who was on the other side of the table. "I want to save him."

All Might placed his hands on your shoulders. "Young Y/N, because this is a problem that can be solved by the police, we'll tell them and send them right over, ok? If anything persists, the heroes will step in."

"Can I go with whoever is dispatched?" you asked, seeing the two teachers shake their heads.

Aizawa stepped forward, catching your gaze. "If you do, problems may occur, so stay here and we'll let you know of anything that changes." You sighed, flicking your eyes towards Bakugo, seeing him with his hands stuffed in his pockets and his eyebrows arched.

"Ok, we'll wait," Bakugo spoke, shifting his eyes your way.

All Might removed his hands away from your shoulders. "We'll let you know of anything we find."

Lowering your head, you replied, "You better." Grabbing Bakugo's wrist, you gripped it tightly as you stomped away from the room. Looking around, you noticed the place is secluded and the hall was clear. "Katsuki." You paused, dropping his hand. "I hate this. I hate it so much."

"I do too! What hag would do this?" His hand ruffled his hair as you turned your body, still keeping your head low.

"I need to stay by your side until this resolves. You're the only person who can truly calm me down. If I do something stupid, I need you to stop me." You raised your eyes, presenting the dark flickers in the blue stripes.

Bakugo looked your way with angled brows. "I already told you, I'll stop you before you'll ever make someone suffer." Hearing these words forced your heartbeat to quicken.

"Thank you." You spun around and began walking with your eyes set on one goal. Your fists balled as the blonde boy followed beside you in silence. "When I see her again..." Pausing, you thought about your words and what you've experienced in the past.

"You're worthless! You'll never become a hero with that wretched quirk of yours!"

"I'll show her who's really worthless."

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