-Chapter 41-

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 Opening the dorm doors, you felt a gust of air conditioning hit your face. "This feels good." You spread your arms as everyone else embraced the cool air.

"Let's have a sleepover down here tonight. The air conditioning isn't as good in our rooms as it is here." Mina pitched the idea. Everyone seemed to agree to it, but Bakugo just stood in silence.

"Hey, Katsuki, you gonna do it or what?" you questioned, shaking his shoulders.

He still presented a chill face. "Sure, whatever."

With a bright smile, you responded, "Sweet. Guys, I'm gonna get my stuff."

"Right. Everyone, get your pillows and blankets!" Ida blurted, forcing everyone to rush into their rooms and grab sleeping essentials.

You grabbed a small blanket that sat on top of your usual covers and the one large pillow you sleep on. A grin grew on your face as you marched towards your door. Suddenly, your mind thought about all the photos and tapestries in your wardrobe.

I haven't opened it in so long.

"Don't worry, Buddy. Just wait a little longer."


Kaminari clapped his hands to the setup. "Are we all ready?" Everyone nodded.

The couches were spread further apart and all the blankets and pillows were arranged by who was willing to sleep next to who, even though it just looked like a blob of covers and soft cushions.

Dinner was cooked by Bakugo this time, in which you helped here and there.

"So, did I cut these right?" you asked, showing Bakugo the minced onions. He nodded and tossed it into the mix of seasonings and broth. Smelling the aroma gave you this warmth that felt much better than the heat of the outdoors. "It smells so good."

The boy shoved you aside. "Stop putting your face so close to the damn pot. You'll burn yourself. Just hurry up with the meat." You nodded, feeling a hint of pink shade your cheeks.

He's totally worried about me here and there. He can't hide it.

You grabbed the cold container of thinly sliced pieces of meat, placing it on the island. "I got the meat and I'm getting the bean sprouts." Bakugo nodded while turning the burner off and setting the hot pot aside.

"Extras! Your food is ready!" Everyone stood quickly and rushed over.

Grabbing a bowl and a spoon, you stood at the back of the line. Bakugo sighed, grabbing your wrist and pulling you to the front of the line. "You made this too, you should be the first person to get something." Your classmates stared wide-eyed as you grinned and placed the meat in your bowl and poured some broth on the meat, seeing it change from raw to cooked. Bakugo then followed behind you.

"I've never had pho soup before. Is it good?" you asked the ash-blonde as the two of you approached the floor of the lobby, where all the blankets and pillows were.

He blew on the liquid, saying, "It is because we made it. Obviously!"

You scooped some liquid and stabbed a piece of meat, seeing it hold onto the silverware by a thread. Once you slurped the dish, you hummed in satisfaction. "That's so good!"

"I already said it would be."

A movie played while everyone slurped the delicious and warm broth. The chopped green onions added such a small hint that increased the rating of the dish. Everything added just made your life feel so much better at the current moment.

When you finished, you glanced to your right, seeing Bakugo's bowl empty. "I gotcha." You took his bowl and spoon and stood to place the dishes in the sink.

Sitting back down, you wiggled your body under your blanket. Your head leaned back and crashed against your large pillow. The movie was a cheesy comedy, but seeing your friends' smiles made watching the movie worth it.

"That part wasn't even funny," Bakugo mumbled as he leaned his back against the front part of the couch.

Nodding, you whispered, "I agree."

Bakugo looked down at your figure, seeing how comfortable you looked.

I should tell her soon.

Sighing to the movie, you turned your body towards Bakugo's and closed your eyes, attempting to sleep. Knowing the blonde was beside you, you thought to yourself.

I should tell him soon.

As everyone fell asleep at the end of the movie except you, Bakugo and Midoriya, you just listened to the sounds of the TV turning off and shuffling beside you; your eyes were still closed.


Oh, no. Midoriya is talking to Katsuki himself.

"What do you want?"

Midoriya tilted his head in confusion since the boy didn't yell at him. "Do you like Y/N?" Your cheeks reddened from hearing the conversation.

"What's it to you?" Midoriya looked away with a saddened look. Bakugo sighed to himself.

Does that mean he likes me?

"Ya know, when I saved you, my body moved on its own." Bakugo looked toward the boy as Midoriya widened his eyes. "I'm sorry for everything I've done to you." You couldn't help but peek a little to see Bakugo's shirt, but not his face. "I was mean to you because you were ahead of me and I got angry because of that. All of this that I'm confessing is because of a certain someone who made me realize what my true feelings were towards our friendship, Izuku."

Midoriya was shocked to the bone. He nodded as he lay in his makeshift bed. "Thank you, Kacchan." A grin grew on his face.

Was I that certain someone?

When Bakugo shifted himself to lay down, you quickly closed your eyes, pretending to be asleep.

The ash-blonde shifted forwards towards you, whispering, "I like you." Your eyes shot open and your cheeks were as red as a tomato. When he pulled his head back, he saw your expression, yet he was unfazed. "I knew you were awake," he whispered again.

"Katsuki..." you almost stuttered with your words. "You...like me?" The boy nodded, flipping onto his back and placing his hands behind his head. "Well, I like you too."

"I already knew that."

Raising your brows, you lifted your upper body. "What?" Your whisper was slightly louder.

With a smirk, he stated, "That's the weird thing you said when you were drunk that night." Your back crashed back down on the floor as you buried your face in your palms.


"What now?" you muffled, keeping your hands over your bright cheeks.

Bakugo turned towards you, noticing your gesture. "This is fucking cringy, but that'd mean we'd start dating."

Thank god we're whispering or else if Midoriya was awake, he'd hear all of this.

You hummed behind your hand mask, only to feel someone wrap their fingers around your wrists, moving them off your face. Scrunching your eyes closed, you suddenly felt something soft clash against your lips. Your eyes shot open to see Bakugo's closed eyes. His blonde locks rubbed against your forehead.

What?! He is kissing me!

When he pulled away, he dropped your hands. He shuffled back to laying on his back with his hands behind his head.

"Wha?" you questioned as you still felt shocked. You lifted your hand to your lips, lightly grazing them.

No, that was unreal. There's no way Katsuki Bakugo actually kissed me.

"You liked it that much?" he teased, but even so, you nodded.

Shaking your head vigorously to stop acting shocked, you closed your eyes and covered your arms under your blanket. "Whatever, goodnight."

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