-Chapter 4-

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"The sports festival is close, so, you all need to be training." Everyone nodded, watching Aizawa as he explained the rules and how the festival is set up. "This is going to be broadcasted live. This will help pro heroes see you all. It will show your classmates how much you have improved. Take this opportunity."

So, I have to train my wings to have more endurance and stamina as well as help them become stronger and more durable. They can shield me from many attacks, so maybe I can work on my attacks since my wings have me covered in defense.

The bell rang, dismissing you and the rest of the classes. As you packed your things, you heard footsteps approach you.

"Just curious, how do you train your wings?" Kirishima questioned, looking at them with so much interest.

Seeing the glitter in his eyes, you lifted your bag and slung it on your shoulder, looking his way with a smirk.

"Well, I usually fly until they ache or my back aches, but I need to put them through a strength test." Your smirk grew into a grin as you both strolled towards the door. "I really need to focus on me rather than my wings for a while though."

"Man, they look really cool."

You shook your head vigorously. "Actually, Buddy's are better," you sighed.

He raised a brow, looking towards you. "How? They look almost the same."

Shrugging, you replied, "They just are. I've always thought his wings were better than mine." You widened your eyes in the realization of what you were saying. Turning towards the redhead, you waved your hands thinking that he misunderstood your words. "I'm not jealous of him or anything! Really!"

Kirishima chuckled. "You just admire the man!"


"Shut up!" Bakugo blurted once he opened the school doors. "I'm tired of hearing you blabber on about your damn brother!" You quickly dashed forward as the door began to close behind the blonde kid.

"I just admire him. He's technically my older brother since he was born about twenty minutes before me." You held the door open for Kirishima to pass through.

"No one cares!" Bakugo blurted again, making you snicker quietly.

Seeing him angry makes me laugh, but at least the others don't complain. I don't think they do.

"Has Midoriya asked you about your quirk yet?" Hearing Kirishima's voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

You shook your head. "No."

Kirishima's red eyes widened. "That's a surprise."

"Maybe he doesn't care." You opened the dorm doors, hearing Kirishima click his tongue against the roof of his mouth.

"Oh, I'm sure he cares. Maybe he's waiting to see you use it in the sports festival."

You hummed, seeing Kaminari and Sero wave at Kirishima. "Well, have fun training those things!" The red-head dashed towards the others, leaving you to walk forward.

Wind, here I come. I'll just fly around the dorms and work on attacks tonight.


Night came, the moon slowly drifting in the sky as the sun lowered below the horizon. The pink clouds morphed into dark grey ones as the bright dots sparkled in the sky.

"Guess it's time."

You closed your laptop, lifted yourself from your bed, and placed it on your desk. You marched to your balcony. Climbing onto the railing, you heard the whistles and hums of the wind brushing past your ears; it was a pleasant sound. Taking a deep breath, you fanned your wings and arms. As your body leaned forward, your heart sank as the ground grew closer to your vision. Quickly, your wings got into position. Flapping once gave you a large push into the air. Lifting your right-wing while lowering your left caused you to circle the building.

Wings - Katsuki Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now