-Chapter 48-

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"Where the hell am I?" Bakugo shouted in a dark place, feeling as if he was teleported out of the original room.

You sighed, caressing the boy's cheek. Bakugo flinched back and propelled an explosion in front of him. The quick light revealed your silver hair and unique eyes. Bakugo Widened his eyes to the mistake he made.


Wait, she's still a "villain"! Damn!

"Hey, Katsuki." you coughed, trying to guilt trip him. "I've missed you." Bakugo gritted his teeth, preparing his hands for another shot. "It's funny. Who would've thought the treatment would work quicker than predicted." you rasped, lightly touching Bakugo. This light touch made him shove his hand your way. Quickly, you pushed his wrist, dodging his explosion.

"SHit!" his blurt wasn't only from the miss, but from the injury he received from your touch.

"Injure me and you'll get it back." A smile grew on your face as you took a few steps back from the boy.

Bakugo heard quick steps, him ducking. When you slid to the ground, your legs grabbed his ankles. "Hey, get off!" He stood and aimed his hand down, firing an explosion that hit your side. It burned well.

I forgot how much these damn shots hurt!

Lifting your upper body, the pain throbbing, you pressed your hand on his calf. Bakugo instantly retrieved the injury as you stood as if you were back to new. "You stupid heroes," you mumbled, rushing towards Bakugo.

Bakugo huffed and puffed as his thoughts kicked in.

You wanna play games? I'll swipe you right off the board!

Bakugo dodged the sound, swinging his arm around. "Say stupid to this!" he shot your back with a blast that almost engulfed your entire body.

Coughing, you stood slowly. Though it hurt to move, you continued to fight. "Why was I ever a hero! I have a goal to make this world a better place but when heroes like you and the rest of Class 1-A go around and interrupt people's goals, it ruins their freedom!"

Bakugo widened his eyes to your words. "Do you hear yourself?!" He heard air being swooped towards his stomach, so he pulled himself away, blasting another explosion towards you. This one burned like hell. "I don't understand a single thing you're saying!"

With you struggling to stand, you want to keep fighting the hot-head in front of you, but it's as if you didn't really want to either. "How?! When heroes stop someone from killing someone that killed a friend, then it allows the killer to live a life! When that person is living, then the world isn't safe. I would say I'm like Stain, but I'm not!"

"You sound like an insane person, you know that!"

With your weak body, you try to swing around his side and kick the back of his knees, but he seemed to have dodged the kick.

"The real villains are those who kill just to kill! I'm working with the League not because I'm a villain!"

Bakugo dodged another swing, aiming his hands towards your relative location. When he fired, your body dashed around his side. You wrapped your arms around his neck, hopping onto his back. He felt the pain of the injuries transferring to him.

While whispering in his ear, you state, "I'm working with them to take Shigaraki and All For One down from the inside."

Bakugo widens his eyes, thinking you may have been brought to your senses. "Are you actually yourself now?" he rasped.

"You mean that pewny girl who cried about everything?" A chuckle escaped your breath, confirming that you were still under the spell.

Bakugo pushed his body towards a wall, smashing your back against it. Your arms tightened around his throat, hearing his breathing get cut off. He reached back with both hands and blasted explosions to your sides. Letting out a scream, you let his body go as he stepped forward.

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