-Chapter 32-

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 The passing weeks were a struggle, but you started to speak and were able to move your limbs again, though what hurt the most was lifting your upper body. The doctors told you that you were lucky to be injured in your side because if the injury was any bit closer to the middle of your abdomen, you would've been paralyzed.

Bakugo and the rest of your classmates were always super busy with academics and training that they haven't been able to visit recently. None of them were able to hear your voice yet. Your father visited every once in a while with new sets of bruises and cuts.

The day came; you were discharged from the hospital with full movement of all your limbs. You could speak and even run. Stretching the abdomen too much ached, as there were stitches. No one knew about you being discharged, so you were hoping to use this as a surprise.

When reaching the dorms, everyone ran to you with smiles and some tears on their faces. This welcoming gesture made you grin. Some were desperate to hug you, but Midoriya and Kirishima made sure the others backed off your injury.

"Y/N! Can we all have a sleepover down here in celebration of your return?" Momo asked, making you chuckle lightly.

"Not tonight, sorry." A few of the girls sighed as they walked back to the couch with depressed looks and arched backs.

Midoriya stepped forward, presenting his normal smile. "I'm glad you're alright, Y/N! Kacchan was really worried about you." Widening your eyes, you saw Kirishima step into your view.

"Yea! He was down. When we would train, it was like his mind was always elsewhere." Kirishima placed his hands on his hips with a small smirk. "As if he'd understand though. He just seemed angry while blasting explosions everywhere."

"That is something he would do," you mumbled, looking around to see if you could find him.

Kaminari placed his elbow on your shoulder, cocking his head sideways. "Wondering where he is?"

"Yea, I wanted to say thanks."

Kaminari turned his body towards the boy's hall. "Well, he's in his room."

You waved to them, saying goodnight since it was late. Marching towards Bakugo's room, you smiled big, feeling excited to see him after being in the hospital for about two months. Pausing at his door, you looked at the handle.

He's helped me out so much ever since Buddy's passing, so I need to help him if he feels down. He's been there for me ever since. He even heard me out when I explain my situation.

You knocked, hearing movement inside the room. The door swung open, revealing Bakugo, who had bags beneath his eyes. He took a moment to register that you were standing in front of the door.

His face seems drowsy. I wonder how many nights he's been up this late.

Your eyes grew watery as his drowsy presence stood in front of you. Placing your left hand on his shoulder, you slowly shoved him into his room and closed the door behind you. Not being able to control the urge, you wrapped your arms around his abdomen. His arms lifted in reaction

"Wings?" he questioned, making you grin.

"I'm back, Bakugo." Your tears started to soak his shirt.

"What the hell is this?" he questioned, making you snicker.

"Thank you for everything. I have never told you, but you are basically my hero." Tightening your grip around him caused your stomach to ache, but you didn't care. You couldn't hold any more tears back as you thought about how he might've died that day. "I didn't know what I was gonna do if I lost you that day." You sniffle, feeling warm tear drops slowly roll down your cheeks. "I care about you, so if you died, there would be no way I could recover."

He lifted his arms, wrapping them around your back. Confusion struck you like no other. Your heart began to thump and heat rose to your cheeks.

What is this? It's so weird, but it almost felt like my heart skipped a beat or something.

"What if I was to die in the field?"

Sighing, you responded, "First, I would go on a rampage. Then, I...I don't know. I'd rather not think about it though." Bakugo pulled you away, seeing your reddened face and puffy eyes look down. Seeing you're expression made him think.

Why does it seem like there's something else here? Dammit! Figuring her out is difficult! But this is making me feel weird.

"Again, thank you for saving me time and time again. I owe you my life." The smile reappeared on your face, but it almost seemed forced.

"That's right! Now you're gonna train with me, alright?" Looking his way with shocked eyes, he continued blabbering about how your quirk would benefit his strength so he could keep training. "Just don't be annoying, got it?"

"You wanna...train with me?" you questioned, seeing his face go from smirky to one of confusion. Your tears were gone and your lips were parted.

"Isn't that what I said?" He continued about how the training sessions would go.

I'm glad he wants to train with me. He might help me catch up to speed with what I've missed.

When he finished explaining everything, you blurted, "I'm so excited!" Your eyes gleamed as if you saw your brother accomplish something. "When can we start?"

"This week. You better not be a weakling either! I don't care if you were injured! Slowing me down will give you a death sentence!"

Chuckling lightly, you stood, moving your hands as you were speaking your thoughts. "Can't wait! This should build my strength back and help out my quirk. Yes. Then I can catch up to-"

"Stop talking to yourself; you sound like Deku." Bakugo sighed once again, making you raise your eyes to his. He leaned his body back, his hands on the bed to keep him from falling. His head angeled down as his eyes looked at the dorm door. He seemed to be in a daze.


"Bakugo," you mumbled, looking his way with a calm tone. "Can I have a sleepover with you?" Your eyes beamed into excited ones, the ones you presented often before your brother's death.

He sighed, still looking in a daze. "Yea, whatever."

"Really?!" His eyes bugged out from the realization.

"Wait! What did you say?" He glared your way, seeing your large smile and closed eyes.

"Can I play some video games with you?"

"What the hell?! No!" You gasped, giving him a pleading look.

"Please, Bakugo. I wanna play. I just got discharged!" You dropped the facade and grew a smile that forced your eyes to close. Leaning forward, your face was only a few inches apart from his. "C'mon, you're my pal. Why not?"

He grew frustrated, but the longer you held your smile, the more he became less resistant. "You're annoying, you know that, Wings?!" You jumped in the air in excitement.

His room does calm me down, even though it has drums and some band posters; it still feels nice. Something about it soothes me. Maybe it's not the room.

Wings - Katsuki Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now