-Chapter 23-

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Rushing off the train, both you and Midoriya nodded at each other as Gran Torino led the way into the fray. The Nomus began attacking the city, leaving rubble and fire scattered over the city.

"Stay close by." Gran Torino warned, but you and Midoriya had your minds set.

Once the three of you grew closer to one of the alleys, the two of you dashed as Gran Torino was preoccupied with the battle in the middle of the street.

"He's not here!" you blurted, following Midoriya to the next alleyway.

A boulder was flying towards your position, making you jump on Midoriya, forcing the two of you to collapse on the sidewalk. The boulder hit the building near you. "Sorry," you said to Midoriya, helping him up. Once the two of you approached the next alleyway, you heard Ida's cry.

"Why did you do it?" Ida questioned, seeing Stain lick his blade covered in blood. Suddenly, something caused Ida to be immobilized.

Turning the corner, both you and Midoriya rushed towards the creepy-looking man. Stain, who was caught off guard, jumped away from the attack.

"You need your friends to help you?" Stain said, looking at Ida.

"We're classmates!" Midoriya blurted, using his Full Cowl to attack Stain.

As the two battled, you rushed to Ida's side, placing your hand on his injury. Ida tried to move so you could stop, but he couldn't. Looking into the boy's eyes, you sternly asked, "What is Stain's quirk?"

"Not sure, but he licked my blood and then I was immobilized." You nodded, feeling the cut open on your arm. Wincing at the pain, you stood, turning towards the battle between Midoriya and Stain.

Did Midoriya contact Todoroki?

You then rushed towards the battle. "Wait, Y/N!" Ida blurted, but you ignored it.

Stain's katana pierced Midoriya's leg, and with a quick lick of his blood, he was immobilized. Your legs froze a second to see Stain chuckle to himself.

"I'll spare you." Stain fixed his eyes on your position. "I'll go for your other friend."

Midoriya yelped, "Wait!"

As Stain ran towards you, you prepared your fighting stance. Suddenly, a giant wave of ice appeared in front of you, causing a smirk to grow on your face. "Todoroki." You looked to your left, seeing the white and red hair.

"You weren't specific, Midoriya!" Stain rushed to Todoroki at fast speed. You gritted your teeth, seeing Midoriya struggle to move. "Help Midorya!" Todoroki blurted, making your legs move on their own.

Once you reached Midoriya, you gripped his shoulder, transferring the wound to your leg. Your left arm bled more from the transferring of Iida's wound and your leg now struggling to maintain its balance. Still, you pushed to fight the villain in front of you.

Todoroki held his own, rushing out of the way and shooting ice waves and walls of flames. Midoriya began to move as Stain's quirk rubbed off. "I'm helping him. Take care of Iida." Midoriya ordered, you nodding.

As you rushed to Iida's side, you saw Stain use his katana to cut Todorki's cheek. With Stain inching closer and his tongue hanging out, Midoriya pulled his elbow back and shoved it forward, punching the back of Stain's neck. In an instant, Stain fell unconscious from the impact.

Iida slowly stood with your help. "I know you healed me, but it still hurts." Iida sighed, rubbing his arm. His eyes fell onto yours, then noticed the bloodied shirt.

Midoriya picked up the fallen villain as the rest of you followed him out into the open. Remembering the cut on Todoroki's face, you looked to your right, seeing his straight face with a small drop of blood rolling down his cheek. "I'll heal that for you," you mumbled as you rose your hand to Todoroki's cheek.

He flinched to the sudden action, flicking his eyes your way. The cut transferred, making you grin as the cut no longer appeared on the boy's face. "Thanks," he spoke.

"Midoriya! Y/N! I said to stay close to me!" Gran Torino shouted, staring at both you and Midoriya with rage. His small stature ran your way, spotting the villain on Midoriya's back. "Is that Stain?" The rest of you nodded.

Stepping forward, you replied, "They took Stain down and saved Ida." Gran Torino sighed as the commotion outside calmed down.

"Anything on the nomus?" Midoriya questioned as he lowered the villain to the ground. Manuel quickly dashed over to check on Ida, asking if he was alright.

Gran Torino looked into Midoriya's eyes. "We contained the attack. Endeavor and many others took the nomus down."

You and your classmates watched the villain as the pro heroes contained the fires and destruction. As you all stood around Stain, you felt something warm run down your arm and leg. Trailing your eyes around your body, you realized how much blood you've lost.

It wasn't even that deep of a cut. These guys wouldn't be bleeding like this, but I know it helped them to have no worries about the wounds slowing them down. Still, how the hell?

The blood trickled down your wrist to your fingers and dropped to the ground next to the small pool of blood from your leg. Though you were losing blood, you didn't feel any bit of dizziness or any signs of falling unconscious, so you let the cuts be.

"Ok, let's take him in." Endeavor announced, seeing Stain on the ground.

Seeing the fire from Endeavor, you thought about Bakugo's explosion back during the sports festival.

It was really warm even though I was so far away. This fire must be excruciating hot too.

"You need to go to the hospital." Todoroki spoke, looking your way. Shaking your head with a grin, you moved your arm and leg as if it was nothing.

"I'm fine, I can still move."

Midoriya noticed the amount of blood you were losing. He widened his eyes rushing to your side. "We need to stop the bleeding though!"

You patted his shoulder, saying, "It's alright, honestly. I'm not going to fall unconscious. I want to be useful in case something happens."

Because a hero needs to be there even if they aren't fit to do so. Buddy would do the same. I can't give up being a hero over small wounds like these. I'm healing now, Buddy.

"Don't push yourself too hard." Iida butted in, holding the Ingenium's helmet. "Guys, I'm sorry." Everyone looked his way. "It's my fault that you guys got hurt while fighting Stain. I put you in danger because of my revenge."

"Iida, it may be your fault and it may have been selfish, but we were there. Instead of holding everything on your own, just tell us, ok?" Midoriya gave Iida a soft grin, making you feel less worried for the blue-haired boy.

He'll be alright.

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