-Chapter 17-

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Fluttering your eyes open revealed candles in the corner of the room, only lighting up part of the small space.

"Are you awake?" Buddy questioned, revealing himself leaning against the wall by the candles. Seeing his presence made you stand and at a loss for words.

Covering your mouth, you felt your legs growing weak as you stumbled towards his position. "Is it really you, Buddy?"

"Yea, I didn't die." he grinned your way, but it wasn't like his normal grin. It didn't have the beauty of his kindness and energy. It wasn't the same.

"What's wrong?" you questioned, seeing him look towards the candles. Sitting in front of him, you felt the heat of the candles hit you.

With a sigh escaping his breath, he mumbled, "It's your fault." Widening your eyes to his words, your skin grew pale. "Me getting hurt was all your fault." Slowly moving his silver irises your way, you noticed the rage in the beautiful eyes he always showed off. It's not the same.

"I-I tried to save you," you whispered back, seeing him stand. His silhouette frightened you as if you saw him as someone that wasn't your brother. "Why are you acting like this?" you asked, shuffling back as he took each step forward.

"You left me there to die, Y/N!" he blurted, making you re-think the events that occurred.

He's right. I did leave him behind, but I tried! I tried so hard to get him back!

"There is only one way you can repay me, Y/N."

Your back hit the wall, making him pause his tracks. "And what is that?"

"Join me and the villains." Widening your eyes, you gasped.

What have I done?

"Why are you with them?! You're a hero!" you blurted, feeling a tear leaving your eyes with every blink you take. "You're a-"

"I tried being a hero! But the villains opened my eyes, Y/N." You hiccuped from his words.

He keeps calling me Y/N, he only says that when he's really serious.

"But we wanted to create an agency together." lowering your head, you clenched your fists. Standing quickly, you leaned towards him. "We wanted to become heroes together! You brought up the idea! Why are you giving up?!"

"Don't be so naiive, Y/N! You can never be a hero without your wings nor will you be one with that healing quirk! The villains need your quirk! It can really help people, civilians even! I love you, Y/N, I am your brother." Hearing his words made you shake your head.

"How can you say that! I've worked so hard for you and with you! You can't just leave it all behind! It's like I'm not even talking to my brother right now!" You sniffled, realizing that the rage slowly turned into sadness. "I've looked up to you since you were my best friend. I can't see you like this." You collapsed to your knees, feeling the teardrops hit your legs.

"Join me."

Kirishima and Bakugo found themselves walking downstairs deep down in the alleyway. A small light lit up a large and heavy-looking door. Kirishima quickly hardened his skin and rushed into the door, knocking it down quickly.

"Let's hurry!" Bakugo shouted, both boys entering the dark hallway.

Lights slowly appeared in the distance, approaching as fast as the boys ran. Shouts from Buddy and you voiced in the hallways, pulling the two boys towards the sound.

"Join me, Y/N. You're more useful as a villain." The tears and thoughts were too unbearable. Hearing your beloved brother speak this way tore your heart. It was as if he changed from the best person in the world to the worse.

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