-Chapter 18-

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"What did she say?" Kirishima asked, walking towards the school doors.

"Nothing, she fell asleep," Bakugo replied, keeping his eyes away from the red-head.

Raising a brow, Kirishima said, "How come I don't believe you?"

"Shut up, shitty hair!" Kirishima raised his hands, making Bakugo think of Toga. "Did you give Toga to Aizawa?" Bakugo questioned, seeing Kirishima lower his hands.

"Yea, they have her in a cell. It will be hard to reach her from the outside. We just have to be careful about Y/N. She seems to be more rash nowadays." Bakugo hummed in agreeance. "Where is she?"

Bakugo sighed, looking towards the ground. "I just threw her on her bed and left her room. I didn't like being in there."

Kirishima raised a brow. "Why? If it's so unsettling put her in your room or something."

"Why the hell would I do that?!"

Kirishima gritted his teeth while leaning forward. "Because it's manly to move people to somewhere where it is better for them? It's like helping them in a way."

Bakugo spoke his thoughts. "She's being stupid. Doesn't she ever listen? It's almost as if she only listens to me!" he complained, thinking of the few times the two of you interacted.

Kirishima leaned forward, seeing Bakugo's frustrated look. "Why is that? I'm sure she listens to others."

Bakugo grunted, "But she actually listens to me! When I tutor her she stopped being ignorant like she used to be! She just listens to me all the time." Bakugo thought back to when he first tutored you. He murmured, "Why can't she just go back to normal?"

"She is in mourning after all. You know how close she was with Buddy; they were practically inseparable."


Kirishima opened the doors, allowing Bakugo to walk across the threshold first. "Do you like her now or back then?"

"Doesn't matter! She is always depressed now! She was so annoying before, but at least she wasn't always sad; it's so annoying!" Kirishima chuckled lightly, seeing Bakugo glare his way.

"Can you hear yourself? You sound like a child!" While Kirishima chuckled, Bakugo was punching him in the shoulder.


You opened your eyes, thinking of the event that occurred with Toga. Your eyelids fell halfway down your eyes as you sighed. "How could I think that Buddy would side with those morons." Thinking of it gave you a stinging feeling in your nose, meaning you were almost prone to crying, but something pulled the tears back. The thoughts wandered to Bakugo and Kirishima fighting off Toga; a grin perked on your face, a subtle one. "Thank you, guys."

Standing from your bed, you marched towards your door. "Did I say thanks to them?" you whispered to yourself. Holding the doorknob, the memory of being on Bakugo's back hit you. "I guess I did."

Turning towards your balcony, you kept the subtle grin while making your way to the sliding doors.

I wish I could fly.

Sliding the doors, you felt a gust of wind brush past your face. The whistling in your ears forced memories to rush into your mind; ones of your brother, then shifting to your mother.

"I said don't touch him!" your mother shouted, shoving you to the floor.

"Mommy, he's hurt!" you blurted, walking towards your brother with a cut on his finger.

Her head crept its way towards yours, glaring at you as if she was a monster. "Do you not understand?" Standing with fear, you shook your head. "I will not see you use that forsaken power in my house. Got it?" Nodding quickly, she swept the horrid look off her face and quickly attended to Buddy's needs.

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