-Chapter 3-

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You paused your walking, looking up to see UA high school. Each blue window reflected the sunlight as you continued forward. A smile grew on your face as your brother wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

"Excited or what?" he questioned.

Looking towards him, you stated, "Yes! Why wouldn't I be?" A smirk appeared on your lips as an idea sprouted in your mind.

Let's race, Buddy. Which twin will win?

Walking out of his reach, you spread your large white wings, seeing him do the same.

"You ready?" you questioned, seeing his face show determination.

"Let's go."

Both you and your brother flapped your wings, flying right passed all the students along the way to Class 1-A.

Mina and Jiro sighed, watching as you and Buddy disappeared within seconds. The two approached Uraraka and Momo, who happened to be in the middle of another one of your races.

Mina patted Uraraka's shoulder. "The two are at it again. They always race to the classroom." The other girls nodded, following the tracks of your wings.

When you reached the door, you paused, seeing your brother appear beside you. "I won that," you spoke, seeing him shake his head.

"I clearly won that. I was here first."

You chuckled in an evil manner as your body faced your classroom. "Say what you want, but I know the truth." Marching in, you waved bye to your brother as he marched towards Class 1-B.

Once you sat in your seat, you started to hear the normal yells of the infamous Katsuki Bakugo. "Hey, Wings! Move em!"

A grin shaped on your face as you spun around in your chair, seeing the blonde hot-head behind you. His red irises were small and looked strained as he gave an angry look.

"What if I said no?" A laugh escaped your breath as he grumbled. Spinning back in your seat, you heard Bakugo's chair scoot back as Aizawa entered the classroom.

"Take your seats, we're going to be talking about dorm arrangements," Aizawa stated, glaring at Bakugo, making the boy sit. "So, we're going to be moving into dorms today," Aizawa quickly drew a simple illustration on the board. "We arranged people the way we saw fit."

There were multiple blocks that demonstrated floors two through five, showing four rooms on each side. He quickly placed names within the small blocks. No girls were placed on the second floor, but two were placed on both the third and fifth floors. You found your name listed across from Bakugo's room and next to Asui's.

I guess I'm not even next to Class 1-B.

"These are permanent. The luggage you placed by the front gate will be brought to the building." Everyone nodded as he sighed, standing by the pedestal. "Do whatever in the meantime while I talk to some teachers about something."


As your class followed Aizawa to the building, you heard everyone's yelps of excitement. You noticed your brother leave the school building, making you rush towards him quickly on your feet.

"Our classes aren't next to each other," you complained, seeing your brother nod his head.

A grin appeared on his face as he lifted his hand to place it on top of your head. "Don't worry, I'll still see ya in school."

"Obviously, but I was hoping to pull some pranks on you while you were sleeping or something." His grin stayed and yet he looked uncomfortable.

"Do you know how creepy that sounds?" he asked, moving his hand back to his side.

Wings - Katsuki Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now