-Chapter 8-

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Opening the door, you slowly flew to one of the beds in the room. Your breathing increased as did the pain. Lowering yourself on the bed, Recovery Girl slid her chair towards the bed. "What happened, dear?"

"My legs," you mumbled, gritting your teeth. "They hurt."

"Alright, let me see."

With just a few touches, your voice hitched. She couldn't see any tears or any terrible reactions.

"Can you walk on them?" You shook your head.

"I think you broke them. My treatment will take a few hours to a day or two depending on how bad they are." She grinned as you nodded. "Alright!" She stretched her lips towards your forehead. Warmth ran through your legs.

I hope they aren't shattered like Midoriya's fingers. His bandages didn't look good.

"Ok, I would recommend staying on your wings, but if you want something to help you walk, I have crutches, but the injury is in both legs."

Your eyes met her elderly ones. "I'm fine. Wings are fine."

"Alright, I want you to rest here for an hour, ok? After that, you can roam."

Nodding to her, you spun your body to lay on the bed with your stomach down. Your head lowered on the soft pillow, allowing your silver eyes to shut. The large white wings finally came to rest, draping over your sides.


The door opened, revealing the entirety of Class 1-A.

Mina stepped forward, coming to your side. "Is she ok?"

"Oh, she'll be fine. She just broke her legs." Recovery Girl responded, continuing to type on her computer.

The rest of the class surrounded your bed, your sleeping face aiming towards Mina and Bakugo, who stood behind Mina.

"Shitty hair, why'd you bring me here?" Bakugo stuffed his hands in his pockets, sighing.

Kirishima stood by his side, noticing your calm face. "Because the class agreed that everyone should check up on her."

"She's just injured in her legs! There's no point in checking up on her as if she's on her damn deathbed." The whole class shushed the boy, seeing your body adjust ever so slightly.

"She looks so calm and different when she's asleep, not as crazy as usual," Uraraka pointed out.

Sero leaned to the side. "Yea, she does." Many students nodded.

Midoriya stood on the other side of you, lowering his hand on your wing. He slowly pulled it away to the touch, widening his eyes. "Wow, her wings are soft."

Momo came by to feel the edge of your wing. "Your right. Her wings are extremely strong, aren't they? I'd think they'd be coarse."

"Well, I was told that her wings don't even feel fazed from quirk attacks. If someone was to try to freeze them, they would freeze, but it's like a giant shield; she could use it to her advantage." Mina spoke up. "But it might just be her determination doing that."


Your eyes fluttered open, seeing Recovery Girl typing away. Lifting your body, you rubbed your eyes to see clearly.

"Oh, you're awake. Earlier, your class came by to check on you," she mumbled. You then used your wings to lift yourself off the bed.

Nodding to her, you said, "Thanks."

She sent you a smile. "Well, good night!" She waved as you slowly flew past her.

Why would they come to check on me? Did they miss me that much?

Wings - Katsuki Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now