-Chapter 46-

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Sitting in a bean bag chair beside Dabi, who was sitting on a windowsill, you tapped your fingertips against your crossed arms. Dabi noticed this action, asking, "You nervous about something?"

You shook your head, seeing Kurogiri march his way to your position. "Here's your drink." Nodding, you took a sip. Dabi grinned at you, watching the liquid leave the glass.

She still thinks of it as tea.

"I'm not nervous at all." You handed the glass back to the purple mist. "I think that's funny because thinking about fighting against the shitty heroes gave me chills before." Leaning your head back, you locked eyes with Dabi. "Are you nervous?"

A chuckle left his breath. "You're funny if you think I'm nervous going up against anyone! My old man and brother are nothing compared to the flames burning inside me."

"That's what I thought."

Footsteps entered the room, forcing you to lift your head.

Shigaraki rasped, "Y/N, it's ready."

Nodding, you stood quickly. "This will help our cause, won't it?" The man confirmed your statement with a simple hum. "Good. When is your treatment, Shigaraki?"

"It'll be during yours in another room."

Cracking your knuckles, you slowly made your way down the hall. "Ok, see you guys tonight!"

You entered a white-walled room with a large chair elevated in the center. Doc stepped forward, showing you where to sit with his hands. "Let me tie this up here." As you sat, the Doc grabbed the leather restraints on the chair and wrapped your wrists and ankles down.

"This shouldn't hurt, right?"

The Doc nodded. "You'll fall asleep and wake up. This process takes about a few weeks so each day, you'll do the same thing."

"Sweet." You closed your eyes as Doc stepped back, activating the machine. Suddenly, you lost consciousness.


Your eyes opened. It felt like only a few minutes that you were asleep, but it has been hours. Doc stepped forward, unlocking your restraints, allowing you to roll your wrists and ankles to stretch them out.

"How do you feel?" he questioned as you stood.

You felt good, but something was different. "I feel...odd."

"That's how you'll feel the first week. Don't worry, it gets easier."

Nodding, he leads you to the door. You stepped out, marching back down the tan hall. The large bar room appeared in your view, holding Dabi, Toga, and Twice.

"Hey, guys." You waved, seeing Twice jump up to your introduction.

"Let's see if that quirk of yours has improved!" Nodding with a grin, you saw Twice become two people. The main body pointed towards the one that was a copy. "Don't hurt her too much since today's the first day." Twice ensured towards Toga.

The girl grinned mischievously, walking your way. When she pulled out her knife she gripped your wrist, cutting your palm slowly. A grin grew on your face as you saw the blood draw. Stepping forward to the double, you placed your hand on the man's shoulders. While attempting to transfer the quirk, you couldn't do it.

"Damn. Nothing yet." You sighed, turning your eyes towards Toga. She brought the knife towards her tongue. Quickly, you slapped the knife out of her hand. The villains grew on edge. "The hell? Why are you trying to lick my blood? I don't want you to become me."

Toga gave you wide eyes. "Did you just slap my knife?"

"I don't want to of me, got it?" Flicking your eyes towards Twice, you added, "No offense, Twice."

His copy dissolved. "None taken."

You leaned forward, grabbing Toga's knife. "We need to clean this off." Your eyes caught the girl aiming her knee straight for your abdomen while you were still hunched over. Quickly, you hopped onto your hands, pulling your legs over your head. Then, you shoved your body into the air, landing on your feet. Using your hearing, you heard shuffling behind you. Flicking your glare back, you saw her lunge her arm forward. "What's your deal?"

Dodging to the side, you grabbed her left arm and spun around her back, kicking the back of her knees to cause her to fall. You straddled over her lower back, pinning her down. Your left hand still held the knife, you drawing the knife closer and closer to her neck.

"I'll give this back if you don't ever ingest my blood." Your words seemed so dark.

The girl pouted, sighing. "Fine, whatever."

With a smile, you jumped off her body, wiping the blood off your hand onto your clothes. The blood that was on her wrist was then wiped onto your sleeves. "Sweet! Here ya go." With a smile, you handed her the knife back.

Dabi hummed to your actions.

So, the substance still works. Almost worried me there.

Turning towards Dabi, you noticed his look avert away from your face. "What's with you?"


"Uhuh." Stuffing your hands in your pant pockets, you sat back in your bean bag chair. "Thanks, Twice, for setting that up."

The man nodded with a grin behind his mask. "No problem. Gotta help out teammates, right?"

Snapping your fingers while winking his way, you said, "That's right!"

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