-Chapter 38-

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 Walking across the sidewalk made you sigh. You were alone in the dark; curfew was in an hour. Your head hung low as your hands were stuffed in your sweatpant's pockets.

"I just need to see him." Once you approached the large hospital building, you quickened your steps, hoping to see your father and get back before curfew. The air was warm and a bit damp.

Opening the doors, you caught the eyes of a lady behind the front desk. She waved as you continued in her direction.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" she asked, giving you a slight grin.

"I'm here to see my father. He's Takishi (L/N)." The lady nodded, typing away on her keyboard. You stood in silence, calming your breath from your swift walk.

"He will be in room E7. It's on floor E and if you take a right, you should be able to see his room number posted above the door."

Nodding and saying "thank you", you continued down the hall to the elevators. Looking down at your wristwatch, you caught the digital numbers.

Damn, I have fifty-five minutes.

When you spotted the room number, you quickly reached the door and gripped the handle. "I'm sorry, dad." Opening the door slowly, you saw your father with his eyes gazing out the window. You've never seen such an empty expression on his face. "Dad," you whispered, shutting the door behind you. "It's me."

As he slowly shifted his gaze towards you, you got to see the brutal marks your mother left behind. You didn't gasp or looked shocked, but you just sat down in the chair beside him with the slightest smile.

"Y/N." he rasped. Hearing his harsh voice stabbed you in the heart. "Why?" he asked.

Still looking into his bright blue eyes, you widened your grin. "Dad, you know I love you right? I never wanted to hurt you." The more you talked, the more pain you felt mentally. "I know you say you love mom, and I'm sorry for shouting at you on the phone. You've been through so much. You've lost Buddy and now you're losing mom." Small drops of warm tears began trickling the sides of your face, but you still held your smile. "Please, I want you to stay with me. She almost killed you and I can't lose another person I care about."

He stayed silent while you spoke, his eyes never left yours. His expression remained empty. Seeing his blue irises, you noticed something within him broke while you two were separated.

"Dad, please don't leave me." Your eyes lost their strength and let the tears pour. You leaned forward, lightly hugging him, knowing it may hurt a bit. "I hope you stay. I know you love her, she has been hurting you this whole time. If she truly loved you, she wouldn't do that. I will be a pro hero, dad." You sniffled, feeling your nose stuff up. "And I want you to see me graduate one day. I want you to see me on TV and think, 'Wow, I raised her. My great daughter has achieved so much.' I have only made it to the academy because of you and Buddy. You pushed us to be better, dad." As you cried into his chest, you felt his arms move slowly.

"I've missed you." he rasped, wrapping his weak arms around your back. Hearing his voice, you felt like you could sense the slightest grin and glint in his eyes. "I understand now." You pulled away from him, seeing that grin that you imagined. His eyes were bright, even though they were almost dark. "You are my daughter and you have been so much better than both your parents. I'm glad to have brought you up this far." He coughed a few times then continued. "I...will confess, ok?" You nodded feeling happiness stir in your mind.

"Thank you, dad. I also want you to know that I have someone else important to me. He has helped me ever since we lost Buddy. You'll get to meet him one day." You whipped your tears away from your cheeks. "He may be rowdy at first, but," with a smile, you looked at your father. "He's really a great person. And I hope I can be helpful to you too."

Your father nodded. "I hope to meet him one day."

Looking down at your watch, you realized that you weren't going to make it back in time. "Dad, I have to leave due to curfew." Standing up, you approached the door. Before opening it, you looked back. "Please confess. I know it's hard but it'll be better for both of us. I love you, bye." Waving, you marched passed the threshold and worked your way out of the building.


Once you found yourself inside the dorm building, you noticed all the lights were off. Nothing was left behind that needed to be cleaned up, so you started working your way towards your room.

You thought about the person that has helped you throughout this chaos. These thoughts made you think of how you've been pressuring him to keep his words about your secret. You've been acting so weird around him and being a bad friend by putting so much on him.

Tomorrow, I'll ask him if I'm a burden. As his best friend, I can't be too annoying. After all, he's basically the only person I've shared everything with.


"Hey!" Hearing a shout on the other side of the door, your upper body sprung up into the sitting position. Your heart rate increased as you looked around. He started banging on your room door. You quickly rushed to open it.

"Katsuki, why do you have to yell like-"

"Why didn't you show up before curfew?! Huh?!" His shouting definitely woke you up, yet your eyes still tried to close.

"I was...visiting my dad."

Bakugo crossed his arms, looking down at you. "And you didn't bother telling me?!"

You raised a brow. "What?"

"I said you were being an idiot! You'll get in trouble you know! Tell me when you do something like that cause what if you left to do some dumb shit? I wouldn't be able to stop you." Your eyes widened. He almost seemed worried about you.

A chuckle escaped your breath. "You were worried about me?"

"That's not what I said!"

Looking up at his annoyed face, you replied, "That's what I heard."

"How about you shut it, Wings?!"

You moved your body and allowed him into your room. Shutting the door, you took a deep breath. "So, I want to ask you something." You looked into his crimson orbs, feeling your heart beat faster. "Am I a burden to you?"

"Everyone's a burden! They all get in my way!" Looking away from his glare, you felt slightly saddened about his response.

Eh, should've expected that from him.

"What I meant was that I asked for you to keep me by your side so I don't do anything stupid. Was that too selfish of me to ask or-"

Bakugo groaned, making you pause. You looked his way cautiously to see his brows have retreated to a calm face. "I already said I won't let you do anything stupid even before you asked me to protect you from yourself." Seeing his sincere look left you wide-eyed.

"Katsuki...do you realize how out of character you sound?" you mumbled, making him look away from your face. It was hard to see, but his cheeks flushed just a little.

Loosening his arms, he turned around and shuffled to your desk, sitting in the chair. "I already told you my side, so stop asking about it."

Katsuki has been saying things like that. It almost makes me want to...I don't know, but I just want to get closer. Do I...like him?

"My dad will confess, so my mom should be locked up once they get evidence from my dad," you spoke to break the silence. Bakugo's eyes lifted.

"Let's go," he mumbled, standing quickly and marching to your door. "You need to focus on something else today." When you cocked your head sideways, he sighed. "You seriously forgot?!"


"Today's the festival!" With the shocked look on your face, you rushed past his body and shoved the door open.

"Why didn't you say that?" you blurted, dashing down the hall with Bakugo beside you. "We need to rehearse one last time!"

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