-Chapter 12-

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The next week passed, yet you still looked the same. Your dull silver eyes hardly glistened anymore. Your expression was mostly failed attempt of looking happy, but from the looks of it, people bought your act.

Hearing the bell ring, everyone stood from their seats.

"Y/N, want to go to the ice cream shop with us?" Mina asked, standing by your side as you picked up your backpack.

"Sorry, I have to study. Maybe tomorrow, ok?" you softly replied with a fake grin on your face, you noticing her sigh at your rejection.

"Oh, ok. Don't study too hard!" She waved with a smile as her feet took her out of the room.

"Wait," Aizawa stated, freezing all the students in their places. "I need Y/N and Bakugo, the rest can go." As the other students raised a brow at the situation, they waved goodbye and walked out the door.

"What is it? Don't waste my precious time." Bakugo mumbled, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Y/N is failing right now."

Bakugo widened his eyes in shock. "That's a joke right? She's one of the top students!"

"I know, but because of this, we need someone to help her."

"But I'm fine." you butted in, looking at Aizawa's bloodshot eyes.

He sighed, looking toward you. "No, you're not. I know I said I'd excuse you on some of the assignments, but even those assignments are bad marks. You're failing at a hero academy. That is something the school can't tolerate no matter the circumstance. The reason why I need Bakugo is so he can tutor you on subjects you've missed and don't understand."

"What?!" Bakugo blurted, receiving a stern look from Aizawa.

"But I don't need it. I understand the stuff." You grinned at the teacher. "I'm really fine. If he doesn't want to do it it's ok, I can study myself."

Aizawa spun his eyes. "I've been watching you while I teach and yet, you're daydreaming." He exhaled heavily. "Listen, if you want to be a hero, you need Bakugo's help."

"Why me?" Bakugo complained.

"It's because I chose you. I know your words have no effect on Y/N and this would be a great opportunity for you to cooperate with others. Besides, I would've had someone else do it, but they are busy with certain matters. Bakugo, you both need this."

Bakugo looked towards the ground, gritting his teeth. "Fine." Your eyes shot his way in shock.

"Great. Every other day, I need you two to study together. You guys figure out the times. Bakugo, you will also get extra credit for this." Aizawa started walking towards the door. "I better see her grades rise."

Bakugo grumbled as Aizawa left.

When your eyes saw Bakugo think deeply to himself, you said, "Hey, sorry for intruding on your time, but what time do you wanna start?" You scratched the back of your neck in nervousness.

"We'll just do it at night in my room!" Bakugo quickly stormed past you, slamming the door shut in front of you.

Trust me. I don't want to do this either. I can't get close to anyone, and that includes you, Bakugo. No one can see me hurt, no one. No one can worry about me if I stay away. Man, I remember teasing him all the time and now, I can't even do that.

Once you reached the dorms, you heard cheering from the TV. Your classmates were watching another movie. Seeing them like this reminded you of the times you'd join them.

"Y/N!" Seeing their eyes look your way made you speed walk down the hall, ignoring their calls towards you.

"Sorry guys! Gotta study!" your voice boomed while your body made its way to Bakugo's room.

Bakugo groaned as he stood up from the couch. "Dammit!" he shouted, hearing everyone around him raise a finger to their lips. "Stop it, extras!" His feet walked down the hall as his fists balled inside his pockets.

Do I really have to do this for a top student? Why her of all people? Her brother just died and...I couldn't save him, so why me?

Bakugo reached his dorm door, seeing your uncomfortable-looking body standing beside it. "Let's get this over with."

As he opened the door, you got to take a peek into his room. A drum set sat in the right corner as his bed was against the left wall. There were a few posters of bands he hand on his walls. The desk was covered in notes and envelopes. Stepping into the room, you felt a different vibe than your own room.

It feels better in here knowing those pictures aren't around me, I'm not crying.

"What do you need help on?" he angrily muttered.

Shutting the door behind you, you sat across from him on the floor. "Math."

"You gotta be more specific!" he blurted, opening a drawer in his desk.

"Anything we've been doing since the incident." You kept your eyes away from his face.

Bakugo widened his eyes from the mention of the incident, feeling slightly guilty. He calmed himself, pulling out the math notes from the last two weeks. As he placed the notes on the floor, he saw your eyes stare at them.

She is different from before.

"Choose one," he spoke. You raised your hand, pointing towards the notes to the far left. "Starting with geometry." He sighed while setting the rest of the notes back in the drawer. "I'll only explain it once, you got me?!" he sternly added, you nodding in response.

He tried to stay calm throughout the explanations, but once you said that you didn't understand something, he started shouting about how you had no brains. At the end of the session, you understood more about the geometry aspect of math.

This is not what I wanted, but at least I'm understanding quickly. I'm afraid he'll see me in my vulnerable state.

"We're done here," he mumbled, stuffing the notes back with the others. "Now get out."

You nodded, standing up and slowly approaching the door. Pausing your tracks, you held the door knob. "See ya later, Bakugo!" Your voice sounded normal, but it felt off.

It's better in here than my own room. Wait, I can't be thinking that. If I'm in my room then I can actually show my true self.

As you turned the door knob, you sniffled, feeling your eyes water. Bakugo sighed as you left his room. His mind started rambling.

I know I couldn't do anything, but the number one hero wouldn't let somebody die, especially in front of their family members. I won't be the number one hero with this guilt! I tried my best and saved her life! Why can't she just say thanks and move on?!

Wings - Katsuki Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now