9 ☠️

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"So, about the plan," Chan started off, everyone gathered around the dinnertable. "We're sleeping in shifts right?" All nodded. "Since we're with 9, I suggest everyone stays awake for an hour, we all need our sleep tonight so we can figure out the rest tomorrow." It's wasn't hard to agree with that. "Anyone got a suggest on how we devide it? Blind pick?" Minho shook his head. "I don't know about you, but I haven't seen any paper and pen. I'd say from youngest to eldest if that's okay with you all." Some of the guys weren't too happy about it, but since no better suggestion came we decided to go with it.

"Y/N, when's your birthday?" Changbin asked, including me again as he saw me look to the ground. "It's in November, 2000." Jeongin looked up at me, slightly surprised. "Oh? That means you're older than me! I'm from February 2001!" He did have a younger appearance, though really our ages barely differed. "I guess you're inbetween me and Jeongin than," Seungmin stated emotionlessly. "Got it."

"Just so you guys know, I'm not gonna bother doing the dishes here," Hyunjin said, making me let out a chuckle, soon shutting up as his cold stare was on me again. "It might be good to take the knives with us though," I quietly said. No reaction. "Yah, guys, are you all deaf or something," Minho butted in. "Speak up, they're not gonna hear you otherwise," he told me, gaining everyone's eyes on me. Great. "It might be good to take the knives with us. Just in case, you know," I repeated, louder this time. "Good idea, you never know what's gonna come in here," Changbin pointed out.

And so we did. We once again devided into teams, of two this time. Chan, Changbin, Felix and Jeongin were going to plan out a route with the map we had found, while Minho, Hyunjin, Jisung, Seungmin and I decided to make small backpacks for each of us, easy to carry yet big enough for stuff to fit. Turns out Hyunjin was very good with his hands, so he came up with the idea at seeing the amount of fabric used in the curtains. With a little bit of improvising toothpicks could substitute for needles to make the stitches.

The atmosphere couldn't be worse though. Well, for me at least. It felt like I had been set up with everyone that hated me. Well, except for Minho than. He didn't seem to care too much about it. While the others were chatting, I simply focused on the work. I knew I said I had to get along better with them, but I wasn't gonna be the only one to put in effort for people that seemed to really dislike me already. What was I? Some dog wanting everyone's attention? No thanks.

"Y/N, you're doing it wrong." The first time I was mentioned, and it started with this. How great. "You need to press your seams," Hyunjin joined in, getting slightly closer to show it on the fabric. He took the improvised needle from me, showing it to me. "Not pressing your seams can make sewing harder than it is. If you make as many as you can in a row and press them in batches after it can save time too." I nodded slowly, taking the needle back from him. It was definitely hard, but did seem to be more effective. "Thanks," I added quietly, still not feeling too great around them. Maybe saving his life did something good after all. Well, besides giving me a chance to still win the prize money of course.

The backpacks sure took some time, but we eventually made all 9 of them. They weren't the sturdiest, but it could save us a big deal. "Wait, where's Minho," Seungmin suddenly noticed, having been too engrossed in his sewing. "He and Jisung went to the back of the kitchen for something after making their first backpack, not sure what for though," I answered, looking in their direction. "Pfff, you didn't even notice us leaving? How are you gonna notice someone sneaking up to you huh?" Minho teased Seungmin, coming back with the sharp kitchen knifes, as well as little wooden blocks with a small hole in them.

"We made these to make sure the knifes couldn't accidentally injure us while in the backpacks. Could save a life you know." I couldn't help but be slightly amazed at the precision and details in the wood. They seemed to have carved each specifically fitting to a certain knife. "This really is well done," I said, looking at Minho. He chuckled, pointing at Jisung slightly behind him. "Tell him, he's the one who came up with it and did all the precision work, I just made the large holes in the middle, that's all." Ah, so it was Jisungs doing. Well, I'm sure he heard it as well right. He didn't seem like the one to appreciate others comments anyways if it wasn't from Minho. Oh well, I wasn't gonna say it twice at least.

Each backpack had gotten the same. Some food and water, a knife, now with a wooden case, an improvised needle and some extra fabric just in case. Could be useful. Chan's backpack got matches found, while Seungmin's got stuff from the medics kit. Honestly, it almost seemed like it was made too easy for us at this point. I couldn't help but stare at one of the camera's.

Sir, what have you been planning?

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