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          The five of us dined on roast venison that night. None of us objected to the idea of second helpings either. Food had been so scarce, a bounty like this was lucky, and each of us had no problem indulging ourselves a fraction.

         Elain and Nesta had stopped their incessant bickering and moved onto even more horrendous topics, like dull gossip going around town.

         "And I said to Him," Nesta explained, "'If you think you can ask me so nonchalantly, sir, I'm going to decline!' and you know what Tomas said?"

          "Tomas Mandray?" Feyre asked, Ah yes, the woodcutter's son. And an utterly horrible human being.

          "The wood cutter's second son?" Feyre continued.

         Nesta's eyes shot to Feyre, glaring for interrupting her, "Yes," she hissed.

         "What does he want?" I asked, nothing good I'm sure. Nesta's eyes landed on me extending that same glare. Nesta didn't answer, she looked as though she were debating it in her head.

         "He wants to marry her," Elain cut in, My eyes widened. No way in hell was I letting Nesta marry a man like him.

         "No," I spoke quickly.

         "No?" Nesta repeated a silent threat in her voice, she cocked her head her eyes going from hot anger, to an Icy rage.

          "No." I purred barely above a whisper, putting that same cold glare on her. The one that has made men run from me trying to escape their inevitable fate. The one that has made even ruthless killers soil their pants. I finally gave Nesta a glimpse of the killer I was inside.

          Nesta's eyes slightly widened at the look, and she averted her eyes for a moment before they found mine again. And as horrible as it sounds I liked that I could make even Nesta avert her gaze.

           Nesta's eyes lifted from my green ones and fell onto Feyre's who held more of a shocked expression, than lethal.

          "Is there a problem, Feyre?" she spat Feyre's name.

          "You can't chop wood for us, but you want to marry a woodcutter's sun?" Feyre asked. I held back a snort at the irony, but I did finally break the icy mask I had on.

          Nesta sat straighter, clearly taken aback by Feyre's bluntness, "I thought all you wanted was for us to get out of the house- to marry off me and Elain so you can have enough time to paint your glorious master pieces?" She sneered as she looked to the foxglove Feyre had painted on the edge of the table.

          Feyre downed the rest of her drink, "Believe me, the day you want to marry someone worthy, I'll march up to his house and hand you over. But your not going to marry Tomas."

          I could see the whirlwind of anger going on in Nesta's head, "There's nothing you can do. Clare Beddor told me this afternoon that he is going to propose to me any day now. and then I'll never have to eat these scraps again." Nesta's lips curved into a serpentine smile, "At least I don't have to resort to rutting in the hay with Issac Hale like an animal."

          I could see Feyre about to snap as she laid her hands flat on the table so I interrupted turning Nesta's wrath to me instead.

          I snorted, "Tomas' family is barely better off than us, you'd only be another mouth to feed. No matter how much you may despise us, Nessy, I won't let you make the mistake of marrying Tomas." I spoke calmly, and for a moment there I could have sworn Nesta's own mask had almost cracked.

          "We can't afford a dowry," Feyre began again this time in a calmer voice, "For either of you."

          "We're in love," Nesta declared firmly.

          "Love won't feed a hungry belly," Feyre countered.

          Nesta leapt from her place on the bench, "You're just jealous. I heard them saying how Issac is going to marry some Greenfield village girl for a handsome dowry."

          "Jealous?" Feyre repeated slowly, "We have nothing to offer them- no dowry; no livestock, even. While Tomas might want to marry you... you're a burden."

          "What do you know?" Nesta breathed, "Your just a half-wild beast with nerve to bark orders at all hours of the day and night. Keep it up and someday- someday Feyre, you'll have no one left to remember you, or to care that you ever existed."

          "Enough, Nesta." I snapped as I stood up facing my sister.

          Her wrath whipped to me, "And you," She spat, "You are just a nobody who has to whore herself out at taverns to get any money. You think you can always get what you want, but you are just a spoiled child. Mother knew it too, it's no wonder she hated your guts and sent you to live with Aunt Ripleigh for a year."

          Every word out of her mouth was an outright lie. The laugh that came out of my mouth was nothing but lethal. "At least I can actually get money. All you do is sit on your ass all day and wait for the money to come crawling to you so you can get a new pair of boots. At least I don't act like I'm something I'm not."

           Nesta stormed off shortly after, Elain running after her, slamming the door to the bedroom ao hard I could have sworn the house shook.

          I slumped back down into my chair sipping from my mug. I zoned out as Feyre and my father shared a conversation before finally heading up to bed.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Second chapter!! So I think the love interest is gonna be Rhysie just an FYI.

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