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          My sisters and I had been walking downtown for a while now, after an incident with the children of the blessed, Feyre finally sold the wolf hide to a nice but creepy mercenary who warned us that the fae are planning on invading the mortal lands.

         Honestly, I don't know what the fae are planning to do. I haven't checked in a while. I should probably check in with Flynn. It's his job to know everything about the inner workings of Prythian. He's also one of my only two friends aside from my sisters.

          I met Flynn after I had finished my beginners training with the flame and was granted permission to keep training outside of the academy- St. Everen's. Flynn quickly became friends with me and Astrid and the three of us have been a force to be reckoned with. Astrid and I went through training together, she was the only one who accepted me at the academy and we bonded on our mutual loathing for our Mothers. We've been attached at the hip ever since.

          We all made our way back home after Nesta and Elain spent every copper Feyre and I had made. Every. Single. One.

           That night we all had venison for dinner and ate in silence until it became too overbaring and we all dispersed.

           Father was now dosing in his chair while Nesta and Elain silently laughed about who knows what. But I didn't feel like laughing right now, and by the looks of it neither did Feyre. I sat there sifting through my thoughts for what seemed like hours until a thunderous roar broke me out of my wallowing despair.

          That roar was no animal in this continent nor was it a man. Therefore the only viable answer was that it was a faerie. Thankfully I had been trained against these very situations.

          I stood up fast as lightning as I let the instincts that had been drilled into my mind take over. I was no longer sweet little Danika Archeron. No, I was the White Death as villagers called me.

          I walked over towards Feyre and shoved her down on the ground along with Nesta and Elain. I couldn't wake Father without it causing a ruckus so I stood in front of him.

           I turned back towards my sisters one last time, they looked at me like I was insane. Even Feyre. "Listen to me very carefully," I spoke silently yet commanding, the voice of the vengeful assassin, "You will not say a word. You will not make a sound. You will not so much as look at it the wrong way. You let me do the talking, and don't make yourself noticeable. Do you understand me?" They all nodded sheepishly in slight bewilderment of me.

          I turned around to face the door and started playing the role of the snarky assassin.

           The door was broken down and there were now deep claw marks that littered across it. The beast was as large as a horse, and its golden fur danced with the light of the fire. Curled horns protruded from its head, they were distinctly elk-like. Night black claws rested on its paws, now those were definitely lethal.

          There was no record of this species existing. This was a shapeshifter. and a powerful one at that. I'd have to pester it for questions about its sharp claws later. Maybe I'll take them for myself.

          "MURDERERS!" It yelled, based on its beastly voice it was male. My sisters screamed in terror, but I didn't dare turn my back on it. That was the first lesson we learned at St. Everen's, never turn your back on an opponent, and believe me, if we did we were punished.

          "Hello, can we help you?" I spoke innocently as I tilted my head at the beast.

          "MURDERERS!" It yelled again.

𝔸 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕖 (ACOTAR FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now