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I lay in bed watching the moonlight dance across the floor while I sat awake wishing I could dance along with it. I let out a long breath closing my eyes for a moment before I sat up in my bed, my hands sliding across the soft sheets. I leaned my back against the headboard as I thought.


The name rang through my mind and I wondered what the hell it was about him that allowed him to cloud my mind. My best guess was that it was the danger. The rush of adrenaline. The need to prove my power to him.

It was exhilarating.

When the four of us had dispersed after his visit the first thing I did was head to the library.

Know your enemy, little warrior.

My overseer's words.

Know your enemy, and you'll never fail.

Of course, Stijn being Stijn then went on a rant about stealing the spines from my victims and making them into necklaces before sending them to loved ones. You know, just usual childhood things.

I researched Rhysand, Night Court, High Lords, all things that could give me an advantage, yet I came up dreadfully empty. It was as though Tamlin had all the records that Rhysand and the Night Court existed burned to be forgotten. And that made me weak. I'd scour this manor if I had to, tear down the gardens. Whatever I had to because I didn't lose. I refused to.

I had been backed into a corner my entire life, I wouldn't be stuck there again.

But maybe it didn't matter anymore. I hadn't held a knife to the High Lord's groin for no reason. I'd done it so he'd leave Feyre alone. From the moment he'd walked into that room the pinnacle of cold and calculating— a look I'd worn so many times, I knew he wasn't there for a routine visit. And I didn't miss the look that had been engraved on his face when he first saw me; pale, scared, frightful before he quickly masked it. I spoiled his plans.

I don't know if it was because I was human—maybe it had something to do with "Amarantha" and I would somehow disrupt what she was trying to do. I didn't know. But I certainly planned to find out.

My thoughts were broken by a knock at my door and then a slightly disheveled Sereh entering. She was staring at me as if for the last time and it was slightly frightening as I could clearly see the silver that lined her eyes as she fought her tears.

Sereh cleared her throat and regained her bearings, "Uhm—the High Lord would like to meet with you and your sister." she nodded a bit, looking down at the ground before she curtly left the room gesturing for me to follow.

I left my room folding my arms behind my back trying to retain some semblance of my dignity granted I was forced out of my room in a little too short silk nightclothes. 

 I walked down the dark halls watching as torches lit themselves as we passed. I assumed it was Sereh, usually when I walked down the halls nothing happened. Sereh lead me into the dining room and quickly left as though she saw a ghost. I looked into the room observing My sister and her lover. Tamlin was staring at her longingly while Feyre sat back in her chair, likely awaiting whatever it was he needed to tell us.

Silently, I sat down in the chair next to Feyre. Tamlin's eyes swapped between the two of us. Clasping his hands in front of him he took a deep breath and spoke the words I'd been dreading to hear since I spoke them myself earlier.

"You're leaving." 



A/N: Short lil' chapter for you guys. This is the beginning of it all...

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