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I practically flew down the stairs preparing myself for anything. Another scream sounded and I ran faster. When I had finally gotten off the stairs I ran through the halls and towards the door. What I saw coming through it stopped me in my tracks. I couldn't help the small gasp that left my mouth at the sight.

    There was blood. So much blood. Tamlin was carrying the screaming faerie over his shoulder as he ran through the halls.

    "Tamlin, stop!" I yelled, and to my greatest surprise, he did, "You'll make it worse." I ran over to him and grabbed the Faeries shoulders, "You can't hold him like that, you'll only make him bleed faster. I gave Tamlin quick instructions and soon the two of us had carried the wounded Faerie into the dining room and set him gently on the table.

    "Can you use your magic?" I asked him quickly. He just shook his head and looked down as if it was a weakness. Honestly, I didn't give a fuck what he perceived as what was a "mortal weakness" I just needed to assess the situation. "Alright. We need to stop the bleeding. Now. Get some cloth and begin to pack the wound." I looked towards him. He looked extremely wary of my instructions. From the moment I met him, I knew he was the type of male that didn't like to be bossed around, "Go." I demanded. If looks could kill, I'd be dead. But he complied, and that was all that mattered.

    I knelt down to where the faerie's face was, and offered it the most comforting smile I could muster at that moment, "My wings." The faerie cried to me, "She took my wings."

    "I know." I pushed the faerie's hair from its eyes to reveal tears upon tears that had fallen, "You'll be alright. I swear it." My voice was softer than usual.

    Tamlin quickly came back with the cloth. And only seconds later we were joined by a bloody Lucien who'd walked through the front doors. It seemed like Lucien had found the Faerie and Tamlin had carried him back.

    I looked to the High Lord again, "On my count, you're going to press those clothes to the wound and press down. We need to stop the bleeding as fast as possible." I assumed the two wouldn't be familiar with mortal methods of healing when I asked Tamlin to get the clothes in the first place. I was correct  when I saw the looks of pure curiosity and disbelief from both of them. I chose to ignore it and kneel back down next to the Faerie again, "This is going to hurt. But I need you to let us do it. Do you understand me?" Another pained tear slipped from the faerie's eye but he nodded at me.

    I looked back up to Tamlin and gave him a firm nod. He didn't spare me another glance as he pleased the cloth to the Faeries back. Another scream pierced the room. I closed my eyes at the raw pain that laced it.

    I looked at the Faerie again, "Don't think about them. Just look at me ok? You'll be ok." I felt my eyes fill with tears that I wouldn't allow to spill.

    "She took my wings." The faerie cried again, "She took my wings." he repeated.

    "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I smiled at him again. Trying to relay assurance, but we both knew it was empty.

    Lucien had brought in a bowl of water and new clothes only a moment ago. Tamlin handed him the bloody rags and Lucien took them into a different room as Tamlin began to clean the wound with the new rags.

    I stood up again, this time to truly inspect the damage. A breath whooshed from my lungs. Whoever she was, hadn't just taken his wings. She'd ripped them straight from his back. The wounds were jagged— cartilage and tissue cut unevenly. Almost as if she'd sawed his wings off bit by bit. Mother above, his pain must be unimaginable.

    Blood still oozed from his back, telling me our attempts to stop the bleeding weren't working.

"She took my wings." He repeated again.

𝔸 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕖 (ACOTAR FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now