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OMG it's literally Dani!

          "Please don't hate me." I breathed.

          Feyre looked disheveled. This is probably the most disordered I'd been around her since we were little.

           Feyre gave me a reassuring look and walked towards me. She picked up my hands and engulfed them in her own.

            "Whatever you tell me cannot make me hate you. You have stuck by me, so I will stick by you." Feyre said firmly, leaving no room for argument. I took a steadying breath and nodded.

          I took Feyres wrist and led her towards my bed, sitting down on the edge. I took another moment to gather my bearings before looking at Feyre. But her eyes didn't find my own. They had wandered down to my forearm, where my shirt had ridden up, revealing the scars were littered there. I took another breath before facing her fully and pulling up the sleeve of my right arm to show her the matching set to the ones on my left. Feyre's eyes found mine again with a mix of pain and questions.

          "Ask." my voice wavered.

          Feyre swallowed, "Where did you get these?"

           I looked at her debating my answer until I settled on one, "You've always asked me why I hated mother. And I suppose it's time to tell you." I said breathlessly, "I never went to stay with Aunt Ripleigh when I was eight. We have no Aunt Ripleigh."

          "What do you mean?" Feyre asked as she tilted her head.

           "I mean when I went to stay with Aunt Ripleigh twelve years ago. I never went. Mother sent me to an academy to be trained."


           "Give me a second," I spoke, trying to sort my thoughts, "This will be a long story." Feyre nodded, and I began, "Twelve years ago, mother told me I was to go to an academy to improve my education. She said it was a secret and I wasn't to tell you three because you would be jealous, and that if you asked to say I was staying with a fake Aunt Ripleigh.

            I still remember how it rained when I arrived at the academy. The driver had dropped me off right outside and left me there when a figure appeared from behind the gates head to toe in all black. They walked towards me, and I remember holding my chin high like mother always told us. And when they pulled off they're hood, I realized it was a fae male.

He demanded my name and I told him. He replied that I would do nicely for training. I, of course, had no idea what he was talking about and asked him. He said that my mother had sold my freedom to them in exchange for riches. And I was to be trained as a soldier and assassin for an organization called The Flame." I just stared forward as I spoke, But I could feel Feyres rippling shock like a fog clouding over the room.

           "The male introduced himself as Stijn." I choked on my mentors name. Old memories resurfacing without my consent, "he told me he was going to be my overseer in my training. Within two weeks I had already gotten a few of the scars on my forearms because I woke an elder from their nap. The academy was brutal and disobedience is punishable in ways you can't fathom. Violence between students was practically encouraged compared to the other punishments you could receive. I have many other scars, Feyre, and these hurt the least." I said holding out my forearms again. I finally turned to her. Feyre's mouth was agape and her eyes shone with sorrow but I continued as I looked at her, "If a novice completes basic training they are forced into three trials to demonstrate their basic level of knowledge on the different criteria you are taught in beginners training. If you survive the trials you are granted the ability to live outside of the academy. When you first arrive at St. Everens you basically sign away your free will right then and there. Those who complete basic training are still required to work and train with The Flame, you just get to live elsewhere.

          I set a record for completing basic training in a year and returned home to all of you. I still trained and learned. But I did make a friend or two here and there. That's who I told our family to find before we left. After we fell into poverty I was still forced to stay there or they would do things worse than death to me or our family. When I was 13 I finished my full training and became the youngest member recorded to become a member of The Flame. I worked as an assassin for them after that to help us get by. I did what I could, but the jobs they only gave me rations of the wages I earned, knowing I was desperate." It was the bare minimum of my past, but atleast now she knows.

          "Apart of my training was learning all about Prythian. I am trained to kill all types of Fae, be it High or lesser. I have lost count of how many I've killed. I have been trained to torture someone and cause pain you cant imagine while keeping them alive. And have endured some of those same torture methods myself. I now how to navigate the shadows  so you'd never know I was near. I am a monster, Feyre, and I have done unspeakable things. My ruthlessness has earned me the title of The White Death back home." I choked out the truth, "But being a monster has helped me survive in this world. And I know everything there is to know about what we may face here. I know the native languages of each court along with the ancient ones that aren't even known here anymore. I can keep us safe from threats. I was made to be a monster. And if that's what I have to be to keep up alive , I will do it gladly."

           There was silence for a few minutes as Feyre processed the information I gave her. And then without notice I was tackled into a bone-crushing hug that made me lose my balance. Feyre didn't say anything, which I was grateful for. and as much as I loathe to admit it, it was nice to just be held.

           Feyre pulled away and looked at me with a face of steel, "I have questions." she stated.

          "I know," I spoke.

          She nodded and began to ask, "What were your trials after you completed your training?"

           I wasn't expecting to talk about that. At all. But I answered anyway, "The trials progress with difficulty throughout the test. The first was the easiest and there is less mental pressure, the last was the hardest and most panic inducing. Each trial is based on the overseer's notes they take on the students and are specially fashioned to the person. In my first trial, I was forced to face off with a Prythian dwelling creature called a Bogge. I hope to the Cauldron you never have to see one. I have a few scars from that alone. My second trial was all about strategy. I was given multiple situations and asked how I would solve the problem." I swallowed, "My ideas were tested on real people to assess the effectiveness of the strategies. And my third-" I choked, "No matter how hard I tried to hide it, Stijn saw my resolve about taking life. He used it against me. And in my third trial, I had to kill four people in a fighting ring and watch as I took their lives. The only way I got through it was by knowing that they were in no way innocent and had committed acts I refuse to even speak of."

           Feyre nodded at my answer, "You said you know all about Prythian," I nodded in confirmation, "I want you to teach me. Teach me about all of it." I cocked my head in confusion, "I want to know how to fight and to be aware of my surroundings. And I need you to teach me."

           I considered for a moment before looking to my sister, "Very well." I began, "We should start now. On Prythians history. Though this is more of my friend, Flynn's specialty."

Feyre beamed and we began.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Hiii! So Dani's past was finally explained! I assure you there's more details that go along with everything, I was just stating the necessities!

𝔸 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕖 (ACOTAR FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now