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I woke before sunrise the next day. I didn't really get up at all, I just stayed awake all night. I felt like the drums were trying to draw me back, it was a battle of wills not to give in.

I had dressed and practically ran into the hallway. The only thing that kept me sane last night was the thought of food. The food in Prythian was much better than the food in the Mortal Lands, and mother above, I loved it.

They had new food inventions, Sereh had snuck me some of what was called "Ice cream" the other day, and I nearly fainted at the taste. I loved their breakfast foods and dinner foods.

I just loved food.

    I speed-walked down the halls and made my way into the dining room, immediately taking my seat and began piling food onto my plate. They had served bacon and pancakes this morning; my favorite.

    "You're...hungry," Tamlin remarked as I began stuffing my face. They also had this drink, it was the best thing I'd ever tasted. It was called coffee. I really, really, really liked coffee.

    "I am," I replied to Tamlin in between bites.

    "Good Morning." Feyre greeted as she walked through the doors, I looked up at my sister to see her making eyes at Tamlin. Cauldron, that was disgusting.

Feyre took a seat next to me this morning instead of her usual place facing Tamlin.

    I was too engulfed in my food to really notice much more.

    "You both look...refreshed," Lucien observed. I just nodded and drank some of my coffee. I really loved coffee. "Sleep well?"

    "Like a babe," Feyre took a fork full of her pancake. I ate all of mine already, which meant I sadly had to listen to the conversation.

    Lucien seemed to search Feyre; I did as well, wanting to know why Lucien was looking at her weirdly.

"What is that bruise?" I asked when I spotted it on her neck.

    Feyre pointed her fork to Tamlin, "Ask him. He did it."

    I looked from Feyre to Tamlin, to my sister again but it was Lucien who asked, "Why does Feyre have a bruise on her neck from you?"

    "I bit her," Tamlin replied as he cut into his own breakfast, "We ran into each other after the Rite."

    Oh, great. Tamlin went all munch, much, lunch, lunch on my sister while he was high on sex magic. I really didn't need to hear that. At all.

    "Ew. Ew. Please, if you are going to discuss nefarious topics, stop now." I practically begged them, I would definitely throw up.

    "Feyre seems to have a death wish," Tamlin went on, I looked over to him once again and didn't fail to notice the buds of claws at his fingertips. Oh, he was mad. He was definitely mad. "So, if Feyre can't be bothered to listen to orders, then I can't be held accountable."

    I'm pretty sure that's not how accountability works, but whatever tickles his pickle.

    "Accountable?" Feyre sputtered, placing her hands flat on the table. SHit was about to go down. "You cornered me in the hall like a wolf with a rabbit!"

    I had to cover my mouth with my hand to keep myself from laughing, I looked over to Lucy to see him doing the same.

    "While I might not have been myself, Lucien and I both told you two to stay in your room," Timmy said calmly.

    "Faerie pig!" Feyre shouted, Lucien and I burst out laughing, Feyre left the room and stormed up to what was probably her paint room.

I stood from my seat and left the room laughing.

Maybe Prythian would end up being entertaining after all.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A/N: Short chapter, but it was fun. I forgot that there were some cute moments between Feyre, Tamlin, and Lucien in acotar.

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