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Btw this chapter is the cheesiest thing you'll ever read, but it will get less cheesy throughout the story.

I was looking at wyverns.

Wyverns were looking at me.

Wyverns weren't extinct.

I found Wyverns.

I was going to die.

           I stared wide-eyed at the creatures who were crowded around the wall of trees and branches I had just come out of, creating a half-circle around me, and blocking all of my exits.

Cauldron boil me, they were big. Really, really big.

I was going to die. No doubt about it. At least maybe I could go out in a blaze of glory. Literally.

All I could do was stand still as I stared, my thoughts going a mile a minute. I was definitely not trained for this. Was there a protocol for dealing with Wyverns, Cauldron, there had to be. I was surrounded and there was nothing I could do to get away without being killed instantly.

But, If I was going to die, which I most likely was, I was going to die strong, and not as a girl in shock from a bunch of wyverns. I steeled myself, pushing away my thoughts.

I held my head tall as I took a step forward in protest, the wyverns closest to me narrowed their eyes in warning, but I did not back away.

           I would not yield. Not to anyone or anything.

We stared at each other for a second until many of the wyverns seemed to become more alert as they raised their heads higher as if listening to something my mortal ears couldn't pick up on, many of the wyverns backed away to two sides. They were creating space for something, I realized. I cocked my head in confusion but then I saw what they were making space for. And I could feel my face pale about 10 shades as a night-black wyvern strolled towards me.

Mother save me, it was magnificent. Its scales seemed to shimmer in the moonlight. It was bigger than the other wyverns by a solid few feet but it seemed to tower over them all as they nodded their heads in salute. But its eyes, its eyes seemed to glow a sapphire blue, and they promised violence.

I didn't know if wyverns had hierarchies or any of that but if they did... this wyvern would crush them all. I was so damn scared, but I couldn't help the small sense of awe that crept into me at the sight of the creature.

It strolled towards me, its head held high, and what looked like smoke made of pure rage coming out of its nostrils. It wasn't happy I found my way here. Not at all.

If I hadn't realized it before, a new wave of realization hit me, I had made the biggest and possibly last mistake of my life coming here.

In seconds the wyvern was towering over me. It leaned its head down as if getting a better look. It still looked filled with such rage I had to resist a shudder. The wyvern seemed to take a deep inhale as if to scent me, and I had no idea what it smelled but all traces of anger left its eyes and were replaced with some form of wyvern-ish surprise as it stepped back as if I'd struck it. It looked startled, oddly so.

When the wyvern seemed to gather itself it did something I didn't expect and tipped its head back releasing a roar that could shatter mountains (And my ears) before facing me again. I thought I was alarmed at the roar. But when the wyvern dipped its head to the ground in a bow, all thoughts had truly left my head, leaving only silence in their wake. This one beast of a wyvern was soon followed by every one of them that had gathered around me when I entered.

𝔸 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕖 (ACOTAR FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now