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It was quiet.

    Too quiet. Even the crowd around me had silenced to a small whisper at the edge of my mind. The mud stuck to my boots creating small sounds as I walked. I couldn't find the wyrm—not that I was looking for it. There was nothing. Not even the smallest vibration on the ground.

    I had marked my path by running my hands along the walls of the trenches, creating deep gashes wherever I went. Minutes passed and nothing. Absolutely nothing, somehow it was more unnerving than running from the creature as the crowd leered.

    I kept walking, waiting for something to pop out at me. Waiting for an idea to take hold of my brain so I could get us out of this.

    I turned left and stopped. I looked ahead, noticing a small drop, formed in a large circle. I stepped closer, being as careful as I could, I wasn't sure how stable it was. I approached the edge, looking down all I saw was a black pit. I wouldn't be surprised if it led to hell. I couldn't see the bottom as it was filled with the void.

    I wished I could drop something down there to see how long it went on. I wondered if the wyrm had been down there. If it could get down there.

    And there it was.

    An idea formed. I turned around, looking directly at the fiery queen; I smiled.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

    Feyre and held the bones in our hands, placing them around each corner to hold onto as I ran. Feyre and I had argued for minutes before I had pulled the big sister card and said that I couldn't lose her before she finally agreed that I would be the bait. I would be the collateral.

I had assured her that I wouldn't die, that I'd come back and hug her but the truth was; I was not the decider of fate. I couldn't predict the future. But for now I could let my sister believe I was.

    I held up a sharp bone, plunging it into the muddy wall of the trench. It was the last one. Looking at my sister, I willed my features into neutrality before nodding at her. My sister walked towards me determinedly before she embraced me in a lung-constricting hug. I hugged her back, tightening my hold on her before I pulled away and sent my sister off to the tunnel.

    The crowd was murmuring; I had forgotten they were there for a moment. And yet, I ignored them completely as I turned away and began walking through the labrinth leading to the hole in the middle.

     I needed to find the wyrm, and lure it to the right spot. The labrinth was ginormous and it could be anywhere. But I had a feeling that it would find me eventually if I was patient enough. Amarantha hadn't specified an amount of time on this trial, so I felt no need to rush my process.

    I walked, turning left and right all over again until I got dizzy.

    I'd lost track of time before there was a silence that coated the trenches. The crowd had quieted and suddenly the world felt more silent. I looked up at the crowd, turning in a circle. As I observed them. Most held shit-eating smiles like they knew something was going to happen. Others' brows had furrowed as they looked at something beyond me.

    I looked at the queen and Rhysand at her side, Rhysand was paler than usual but his lips were tilted into a smirk that didn't meet his eyes.

    I inhaled as a familiar voice shouted over the crowd, "Behind you!" Lucy.

    I needed no further warning as I sprinted towards the middle of the labrinth. Milliseconds later, an explosion went off, a looked behind me, seeing that the worm had broken through the mud right where I was standing. It would have gotten to me if it weren't for Lucy's warning.

    I ran faster.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A/N: going through some writers block so this is short :(

𝔸 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕖 (ACOTAR FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now