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Dinner was as expected, awkward, and Feyre was the attention source. Not that I minded, having the attention off me will help me to sneak out tonight. I didn't know where Tamlin or Lucien were going after dinner, so I'd have to do it during dinner or after I knew for a fact they were both asleep. Since everyone was distracted I quickly excused myself claiming I was tired from the hunt today and wanted to go to bed early. They believed it. Idiots.

I was now in my room dressing in a pair of black pants and a black tunic. It certainly wasn't my suit, but It would do I guess. I finished it off with a black hooded cloak. Making sure my face could just barely be seen under it so that if anyone saw me, all they would see was a hooded figure in the night. But I didn't intend to be seen either way.

I placed a few pillows under the cover of my bed and messed up the sheets a little to make it look like I was peacefully sleeping in case anyone came in.

I was ready.

I walked to the door and held my ear to it, listening for any noises, and seeing if I could pick up on any lesser faeries out there. When the coast looked clear I snuck into the hallways, finding the nearest shadowy corner to conceal myself, and began my journey through the halls.

By the sounds of it, they had just finished up dinner and were heading out. Lucky for me, none of them were heading in the direction I was, but Feyre and Lucien were coming my way. I retreated back into a shadowy corner and became still as death. I averted my eyes from the direction they were coming from just to be sure they didn't sense anything amiss.

I heard the two round a corner. They were silent as they passed me. They didn't even look my way as they walked. And when they had rounded the nearest corner I began walking again. I heard Tamlin exit through the garden doors just as Feyre and Lucien came my way, meaning he wouldn't be a problem.

I mad the last turn and came up to a door I had scouted out earlier today. I shook the doorknob. Locked. Thankfully I came prepared. I brought two needles I had found from a threading kit in one of my drawers. They'd have to suffice as lockpicks for now.

I began on the knob, extra careful of my surroundings and making sure no footsteps or glamoured faeries were near. The lock came loose and I pushed open the door, shutting on my way in.

I made quick work in going to the back of the room where I suspected my daggers were. I was right.

My daggers were in pristine condition. I'd thank Tamlin if I didn't want him to think I'd been in here. The golden hilts were just as I left them with the small red jewel in the center. The silver steel was shining with the light of the moon from the window. But, I didn't have time to gawk over my own weapons. I had somewhere to be.

Before I left I noticed a dusty trunk in the corner of the room. It looked like it hadn't been touched in decades. It probably hasn't. I walked over to it quickly and opened it hoping for weapons. I was right, thank the Mother.

It had a large bow and a smaller sword that could very well be a very large dagger. I took both along with some arrows. Both would be useful in the woods, and in this house. the trunk also had sheaths, which were greatly appreciated. I trapped on onto my back and put my sword into it. The other two went on my chest and slipped my daggers in it. I slung the bow over my shoulder and made a swift exit. Careful to lock the door on my way out.

I went back to sneaking through the halls and wound up at one of the doors leading to the yard. I'd have to watch out for Tamlin out there while he was roaming the property.

I opened the doors to the warm night and descended the small set of stairs leading to the grass. I was careful to stick near the brush and conceal my scent to make sure no one could see or follow me. I hurried to want to make it there before anyone could spot me and finally reached the edge of the property leading to the woods. I could practically smell the power radiating off the wards.

I looked back towards the property. I didn't have time to debate this with myself. If I wanted to go, I had to do it now. I didn't think as I stepped out of the wards and into the deadly woods.

I immediately felt it in my gut. The feeling was harsher this time. Lik it knew I wanted it to lead me. Again I had the strong sense to go west, and I followed not knowing where I was going.

I could hear the creatures in these woods getting louder as I got further into the woods. I had walked for a few minutes and the feeling only increased. It was so strong I no longer felt like I was wandering the woods to find some unknown thing. It was deeper than that now. Whatever I was looking for was something important, really really important to me. And I had no idea what it even was.

After about ten more minutes of walking the feeling had increased to an about unbearable amount. I felt detached from my body with only one this driving me, to find something. I could feel myself getting closer and closer. And I knew whatever it was couldn't be more than a few more minutes away.

I kept walking, and walking, and walking. Until I felt like I was so, so close. And from a bit further away I could see, walls? Not walls of stone or anything like that. It was a wall of trees. I giant wall of trees surrounding something. The trees were taller than any in the forest and looked like they touched the sky.

But I could feel in my bones, that whatever I was looking for was behind this wall of trees and I had to fin da way in.

I walked up to the wall of trees and held out my hand to the trees to try to see if they were hollow or how tough they were. But when I touched it, the impossible happened.

The trees and branches in my way moved from my touch parting for me and forming a large archway. My mouth was agape. That shouldn't be possible.

The trees and branches were thicker than I thought and the archway created was about 10 feet long creating a tunnel. But I could see light on the other side and I had to follow it.

I walked into the large wooden tunnel and after a few steps, I heard the groaning of wood. I whipped around to see that the pathway out was closed. Now I had no other choice to go forward granted I was now trapped in here. I walked again listening to the trees caving up behind me. until I reached what looked like a large door made from branches that leaked just enough light so that I could see from the tunnel.

Mother above, I had to be dreaming. There was no way in hell that this was real. But there was nowhere to go now but forward and I didn't know if I wanted to wake up.

I placed my hand on the middle of the door and pushed. It opened with a groan just as the other wood did. I didn't know what I expected but it wasn't this.

The wall lead to some kind of sanctuary. There was a cauldron damned mountain in the middle of it. That definitely wasn't there before, this has to be some kind of magic.

The grass was the greenest id ever seen, even in the moonlight. There were flowers everywhere. I could see that the tree wall extended as far as the eye could see and it looked like it was going in a circle, but it went further than I could see. The mountain was so high the clouds were covering the top. I definitely would have spotted the mountain if it weren't probably glamoured.

But what truly stunned me into silence and into an awe I don't think I'll ever forget, was the hundreds of god like wyverns looking at me with curious eyes.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Hi! This chapter is unedited cause I didn't feel like it.

I also feel like everyone should know that I didn't bomb my math test and got an 86%

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