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I wandered back to the manor without dying, and with the events of tonight, I'd consider that a win.

    I snuck back up into my room being mindful of the glamoured Faeries around the manor. There was no doubt in my mind that if they saw how disheveled I looked they would know I had snuck out. Thankfully I ran into no trouble, I would have absolutely failed at an excuse if I had.

    Fucking Wyverns existed. Or they didn't and it had been some weird dream. I really hoped it was a dream.

    I wandered into my room mindlessly making sure to shut the door behind me. I quickly went over to my closet and changed out of the dirty clothes I had been traipsing through the woods in.

    My brain was on overdrive and I barely processed what was happening around me. I quickly got into bed and attempted to fall asleep, though my attempts were feeble. Sleep was a long time coming.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

    I stepped into the room barely able to conceal my fear. The last time I had stepped into this room I received 12 lashes because I had yelled at an instructor that I in fact was doing a move right. This room held too many bad memories not to be feared.

I stepped in and was greeted with an order to sit at the desk. I smartly followed.

    "Do you know why I've brought you here?"

    I looked down, "No." short answers were less likely to get me into trouble.

    Stijn smiled— more like a sinister show of teeth, "You've been rented."

    Rented. A word the people at The Flame heard a lot. And dreaded to hear. It meant that for a short time you would be rented for war–an assassination– a fight. Whatever your master wanted, you would do so that The Flame would receive more power and money. I always feared the day I would be rented. The day that would only be the beginning.

    "I have?" I asked, my head instantly coming up.

    Stijn grinned, "You'll be traveling to Midgard to assist its rulers with their little... problem."

    Cauldron, I was going to another world. Midgard was one of the more advanced worlds The Flame had contact with.

    I didn't dare question it no matter how much I wanted to, "What is the problem I'm needed to help with?"

"Midgard's rulers; the Asteri. Are having trouble in a town called Lunathion. There was a problem with Demons escaping from their underworld. They've hired you to work work with their law enforcement to find and kill them."

I nodded, my face still a mask of cold.

"When do I leave?"


The next thing I remembered was ending up at the portal that would take me away.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

    I woke covered in a cold sweat and gasping for air.

I hate nightmares.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A/N: Hi all! This is just a filler chapter. The next chapter will be out very soon and I've planned out the rest of the book so hopefully, my posts will be more structured. There are going to be 68+ chapters and unfortunately this won't go into Mist and Fury and will be the next book--- which I've already named, yes; A Court of Love and Wrath.

ok, Love you all

𝔸 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕖 (ACOTAR FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now