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          I awoke with a jolt atop the horse, my legs aching and sore. Immediately my eyes scanned my surroundings, taking in the details of where we rode. Searching for enemies. Defining features. 

           And within a breath, it came flooding back. Remembering the last few--hours? Days? 

          I looked to the sky, finding the sun bearing down atop us very high. It could have been less than a day. Maybe more. That didn't help. 

          I turned toward the wretched faerie who strode in front of us, about to shout at the creature when I heard the merry chatter of birds in the trees. It had been winter in the mortal lands. It's a two-day journey from the woods and past the wall into Prythian. 

     That bastard kept me asleep for two days?

          I had used to be better at resisting the effects of magic. Never fully could I rid myself of them, but I could hold it off for a few minutes at least, long enough to get away from a bad situation.

     But, I had never felt magic that strong before. Only furthering my theory that I was in deep, deep shit. 

        I sat upright, looking over to the white horse carrying Feyre instinct. My sister was already looking around too, her head tipped back, lips parted as she took in the now green area around us.  She must have just woken, too.

      A large metal gate lay straight ahead, already widening for our entrance.

      Dark and looming, part of me thought it looked like a sort of prison. A pretty prison, nonetheless.

         As we neared, the gates swung open with a soft creak and the beast continued on toward the structure at the end. Whether I wanted her to or not, my horse followed.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

    The estate was sprawled across rolling green lands. If there had been any doubt in my mind before, now there was none that this was Spring Court. 

   The estate was giant, even our old manor could never compare to this. It was littered with roses and ivy. Bursts of color everywhere I looked. The yards were covered in gardens with vibrant flowers and plants.

    Elain might very well die of happiness if she saw this place. 

     There were patios and balconies and staircases. Enough for hundreds of people. 

     How many people did live here? It had to be an entire village. 

     The grounds were encased in woods that stretched as far as the eye could see. Shadowed woods that contrasted the light and vibrance I had seen so far. 

       It was all so.... colorful. I cringed. Feyre would love it here, Elain would too. But me? I felt overwhelmed. I had never been a fan of too much color. When it came to my room at the academy, I had tried to keep it classy and elegant. Tasteful in a way that matched the energy of those around me. 

    This would take some getting used to. 

    What truly caught my attention was the fact for a place with so much warmth, it was utterly silent. Empty.

        Of course, there is the fact it could be magic. The beast could be glamouring the people here and we'd never even know it. That seemed like the most viable option seeing as these lands were thousands of yards long and unless the beast did the yard work himself (which didn't seem like the case) I was definitely being glamoured. Asshole.

𝔸 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕖 (ACOTAR FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now