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          I had finally reached the academy on the outskirts of the mortal lands after a few days journey in an expensive carriage that mother had paid for. The rain hit the top of the carriage creating soft whispers on the inside.

        I pulled back the curtain that hid the small window on the side of the cabin to see grassy lands as far as the eyes could see, all covered in oak trees as big as some of the tallest buildings back home. The flowers were scarce but I could see their vibrant colors dripping with water from miles away. They reminded me of Elain.

          Mother had told me I had to go away for a while. She explained I was going to an expensive new school where I would learn many new things. And I would come back when the school decided I was good enough to leave, though I had no idea what that meant. She told me that the school was a secret and that I was not to tell anyone where I was going, for they would get too jealous, she told me to say I was to go to Aunt Ripleighs home to help with her ailments.

          After hours upon hours in the carriage I finally felt it jerk to a stop, nearly launching me off my seat in the process. I hastily fixed my skirts before silently waiting for the door to open.

          The driver soon came around and I quickly grabbed my umbrella from the other side of the carriage and popped it open before finally taking a step out of the small safe haven.

          I took in my surroundings, we were surrounded by hills. Hills everywhere. There were tall bushes that seemed to have been strangely placed. But what truly caught my eyes was the sight of the biggest building I think I had ever seen. It was a gloomy shade of grey and was surrounded by a large wall, and in the middle was a large metal gate. I could just barely see leaves poking up from over the wall. It was eerie. But yet it was magnificent.

          I looked towards the building once more, to see a person standing just inside the gate, by the looks of it in the process of opening it. I didn't even hear them approach. They were clad in black, head to toe, and moved swiftly like the wind. From this angle, I couldn't tell whether they were a man or a woman.

          The groaning of the metal gates as they opened steered my thoughts from the mysterious person. The mystery figure strolled out towards us, and I held my chin high, just like mother told me. I faintly heard the carriage riding away from the enormous place.

          I watched as the figure approached, and in what felt like only seconds they were before me.

          For a moment they just stared. Stared from behind their black hood. Until finally, they pulled down the hood revealing a tall man. I was suprised. The mans hair was like mine. Moon white, it glistened in the rain, and strangely made me feel better about my own hair. His eyes were black. Just pure black, like all the color had been drawn from them. His lips had curved into an eerie smile as he looked at me. But, the delicately pointed ears poking out from his hair, were what made me draw in a heavy breath. This man-male was fae.

          All my instincts were roaring at me to run from the man. To go and run as far as I could. To just getaway. But I was frozen as I stared at the fae male.

          "What is your name?" The man's eerie and entirely in-human voice drew me from my thoughts.

          I forced my voice not to waver as I said, "Danika."

          "Last name." Not a question. An order.


          "Ah," The man drawled as he began circling me like a predator with its prey, "I've been waiting for you. You're mother said you would be arriving."

          How could my mother have sent me here? She wouldn't do that. And if she did she had no idea what I'd be walking into.

          "Who are you?" I asked.

          The man tsked, "All in due time. How old are you?"

          "8." I answered.

          The man hummed, "Yes. I suppose you'll do nicely." he spoke as he stopped in front of me.

          "For what?" I asked allowing a bit of my weariness to seep into my voice.

          "For the flame of course," he said it as though I should know it. He knelt down in front of me and held out his hand, "My name is Stijn, I will be your overseer while you stay here."

          I hesitated before shaking Stijn's hand, "And what will I be doing during my stay here?"

          The male's smile widened into something of nightmares as he replied, "You'll learn to kill, little Archeron."

          I woke up gasping. Everything was too tight in this small room. The air couldn't get into my lungs. And I was haunted by Stijin's forever cold face.

          I reached for one of my sisters and found the shoulder of what felt like Nesta. Nesta and I may not get along, but I did find comfort in her familiar presence. I could sense Elain and Feyre to my back, and my breathing became steadier knowing I wasn't back there.

         I silently got up off of the large bed, Careful not to wake my sisters as I began making my way downstairs. I knew I wasn't getting anymore sleep tonight.

         The first thing I noticed was my father sound asleep on the small cot next to the fire. I moved past him towards our small make-shift kitchen to look through, our one and only window.

         It was still dark. But just barely could I see the sun coming over the tall mountains. Atleast I wouldn't have to be awake by myself for the next few hours waiting for the sun to make it's eternal appearance.

        I rarely dreamed about Stijin anymore. My nightmares of that time now only consisted of the horrors that happened within that academy as I waited for my approval from the flame.

         Stijin had been my mentor for the year and a half I had stayed there. I was the youngest in my class to be granted approval. But I still wasn't free. And I never will be.

         I sighed. And admired the small sliver of the sun as I waited for my sisters to wake up and the day begin.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Hi everyone!! So I wanted to clarify that "the flame" is an organization, and not a singular person. I'll be going I to say more details about what it is in the upcoming chapters and so I don't want to reveal anything! I hope y'a liked this chapter!

𝔸 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕖 (ACOTAR FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now