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Tamlin was seriously starting to get on my nerves, especially today. I had no idea why Feyre liked him. He thinks I haven't noticed how different he acts with her, I can't help but suspect there is some ulterior motive to his actions. I know that sounds extremely self-absorbed, but when a person wears two faces with you, it's difficult to tell which is true.

Feyre wore a dress two days in a row and I was beginning to think it was the start of a trend, which I thought was positively spring court, but whatever tickles her fancy– I support it.

Lucy and I had been civilized-ish the last two days and I was kind of scared he was going to murder me in my sleep, but maybe he was trying to be nice so I was trying harder to resist stabbing him. I mean he's still my arch-nemesis, and I hate him more than any person on this planet and sometimes I wish he was burning in the fiery pits of hell. But at least I haven't said so lately.

I walked down to the dining room; since Tammy was back from his weekend-long trip he took two days ago I was forced to once again attend lunches and things. I was holding my latest research on Prythian as I entered. The Tool and Lucien were already sitting and piling food onto their plates.

I sat down at the table and began shoveling food onto my plate as I thought about all the ways I'd enjoy killing him.

Truth was, Tamlin sucked. I thought he was bad for Feyre, but she's happy and that's what I wanted. But if he hurts her I'll skin him alive and flay his skin before I feed it to pigs.

Feyre walked in just then, the tension in the room dissipated a bit. She was always the mediator growing up with the four of us, I guess that role seemed to transfer here.

Feyre sat down quietly, the only noise was Lucien's constant groaning and rubbing at his head from what looked like a particularly nasty hangover. Feyre began to eat before she broke the awful silence.

"And where were you last night?" Feyre asked Lucien as she sipped from her wine, I followed en suite. To be honest I barely remembered last night after the wine. Damn Faery wine, my savior and my downfall.

Lucien's metal eye narrowed, "I'll have you know that while you two were dancing with the spirits, I was stuck on border patrol." Tamlin gave him a pointed look, "With some company." He gave Feyre a sly grin. Disgusting. "Rumor has it you two didn't come back until after dawn." He spoke to Tamlin and Feyre. Color me curious.

"Really?" I swerved my head towards Feyre with a smirk, "And what nefarious activities did you two get up to?" I sniggered, Lucien did as well.

Feyre blushed, "And where did you go, hmm?" She shot right back with a grin.

I pouted, looking away as I slouched in my chair "I'd prefer not to answer that."

Lucien decided to be the bane of my existence once again and told them for me, "She got drunk on Faery wine and wrestled every male there claiming she was 'the queen of the entire world' and 'the best assassin since Prythian was formed', you had a whole line of, angry males."

I hummed, "But was I wrong? No. Now I'm rich. I win." I swirled the wine in my glass.

"Semantics," Lucien rolled his eyes.

There was a moment of silence, mainly while Lucy and I watched Feyre and Tammy have a weird staring contest with sultry looks. It was disturbing and I was positive I'd have nightmares for months. Just thinking about it gave me the shivers.

"You bit my neck on fire at night," Feyre began. What the? Where did that even come from? "If I can face you after that, a few kisses are nothing."

Tamlin braced his arms on the table and I think I heard the wood groan, "Nothing?" The tension between them increased tenfold and it was getting unbearable.

The tension they created in a room was bad even before Calanmai, then Tamlin bit her neck (Which I'm still a little put off about- did he have a biting kink?) Their tension increased from there. It was hard to be in a room with them together for more than 10 minutes, but now after last night, I don't think I'll last ten seconds.

"Nothing," Feyre bit back.

"Are you sure?" He murmured. I was gonna puke. I wasn't even exaggerating. This was happening.

"We're trying to eat," Lucy interrupted, thank the Cauldron, I sent Lucy a grateful look. It was only the one he'd ever get from me.

Feyre and Tamlin blinked as if coming out of a trance, "But now that I have your attention, Tamlin," Lucy continued. It seemed to take much effort but Tamlin glanced back at him.

Lucien shifted in his seat. I had a bad feeling about what was coming next. "Not to be the bearer of truly bad tidings, but my contact with the Winter Court managed to get me a letter." Here it comes, "The blight," He cleared his throat. They referred to this person as the blight and I had no idea why. What was so terrible and controlling about this woman that two measly little humans couldn't know? "It took out two dozen of the younglings. Two dozen, all gone." My blood turned to ice in my veins. All traces of the light mood were gone.

Two dozen.

I may be an assassin, but even I have my morals. They went in and killed children like some storm of grief and death? The aftermath must have been devastating.

Lucien said something after that but I turned out thinking about it. How could someone murder younglings–children? Who could this person be? They obviously had power and people keep referring to some mysterious "she", I'm going to assume the two were connected. If so who the fuck was this she-devil and how would I rip her apart?

Mother above, what about those children's parents? Their grief must be... unfathomable.

"The blight can...truly kill people?" Feyre asked.

A stunned silence took over the room, Tamlin shook his head, Feyre was staring at her plate, and Lucien was staring into nothing. I'm positive my eyes held a murderous glint.

"The blight is capable of hurting us in ways you–" Tamlin shot to his feet so quickly you'd think he'd been struck by lightning. He unsheathed his claws and beard them like a weapon. Lucien stood nearly as fast as Tamlin. Oh, there was definitely a threat nearby and I'll be damned if I let Feyre get hurt.

I stood with the faeries and looked at the fox, "Lucien glamor Feyre by the window to the left." I murmured, "Now." Lucien had the good sense to listen to me. I sat back in my chair, the perfect picture of someone bored and in need of entertainment.

"What's–" Feyre began but was cut off by a string of shushes from the three of us.

Soon all traces of Feyre were gone and all that was left was the sweet tang of magic in my nostrils. I picked up my wine glass and twirled the liquid around.

Weakness will kill those who let it consume them.

The saying from my past rang through my head. I knew Feyre wasn't a weakness. No matter how hard the Flame tried to get me to believe my family was, I never believed them.

But what was weak, was this fear. The fear of not knowing. I didn't need to be afraid in the mortal lands, I knew every threat that lurked there and knew I could beat it because I had. Repeatedly. But here in Prythian, it was unknown. I didn't know what was going to walk through that door, man or beast, and that scared me.

It scared me and I hated it.

Tamlin followed my lead and unsheathed his claws, sitting back down in his seat. The three of us were the perfect depiction of a trio having a drink. The only problem was my mortality.

Footsteps. Footsteps were what I heard first. They were even; strolling, casual. They were elegant and seemed oddly familiar.

Tamlin continued cleaning his nails and Lucien assumed a position of what seemed to be looking out a window longingly. I was still twirling my wine as if waiting for something, I suppose I was.

The footsteps grew louder. And louder. Until the subject of them was just outside the door.

Then he appeared.

And the worst part was I knew him.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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