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I apologize in advance for so many reasons

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The halls were unnaturally barren as we walked. The echo of the steel chains that had been locked to my wrists created a soft clanking sound with every step I took.

    My heart was racing in my chest, and my fear was unimaginable as we came to a stop at the all too familiar stone doors of the throne room. Stone. I was getting, oh, so sick of stone.

I barely registered as a guard stepped up and peeled the doors open. I was ushered in and it was only then, for the first time in months had the guards grabbed me and pulled me towards the spot they had specially picked out for me. The spot just below Amarantha's throne.

I looked up at the Queen above me, the amusement that laced her features did nothing to soothe my aggravated nerves. I looked at Tamlin seated next to her, the High Lord still sat and did nothing as he watched us suffer. I wondered how he lived with himself.

I turned around to face the other direction, not taking my eyes off of the stone doors as I waited for my sister to enter through them. For minutes we all waited in silence. For minutes Amarantha commanded everyone in attendance to be silent as we all waited for the moment my sister walked in.

The loud booming sound of the doors opening again nearly caught me off guard. My limbs went slack as I watched my sister—my little sister enter with guards at her back. Feyre walked along the pathway created for her.

Feyre approached the dais, only steps away from me. I wished I could hug her, wish her luck. Say something. But I knew it would only make things worse.

I tried to convey everything I wanted to say with my eyes, with a look that I hoped showed my love and support for her. My sister returned it.

"Two trials lie behind you," Amarantha spoke finally, "And only one more awaits. I wonder if it will be worse to fail now—when you are so close." Amarantha gave a pout—a very ugly gesture as she awaited the laughs of the crowds but only a few hissed out. Those I assumed were from Hybern.

I didn't look back at the Queen. Refused. "Any words to say before you die?" she questioned and I flinched. This was never supposed to happen. We were never supposed to die. It had gone too far, and it was my fault.

Feyre looked behind me and her eyes shone with love. I assumed she was looking at her ignorant lover, "I love you," she said, "no matter what she says about it, no matter if it's only with my insignificant human heart. Even when they burn my body I'll love you." had to admit It stung that her last words were to the doggy.

Tears slipped down Feyres cheeks but she didn't wipe them away. No sound, not even a sigh came from behind me. And I wished the High Lord a life of pain and misery.

Amarantha's too-sweet voice rang out, "You'll be lucky, my darling if we even have enough left of you to burn." I looked up at the sky, trying to prevent my tears from falling.

I knew what the odds were. The chance was so slim that my sister would survive this last trial and yet I still held an ember of hope.

Feyre's eyes found me then, she gave me a soft small as she mouthed the words I love you and I did the same. I wished we had more time for goodbyes. But that was not our reality.

"You never figured out my riddle, did you?" Amarantha asked and Feyre didn't respond, "Pity. The answer is so lovely."

"Get it over with," Feyre growled as her eyes burned with hatred.

"No final words to her?" I assume the Queen spoke to Tamlin, who still said nothing. Did nothing. "Very well, then." the Queen clapped her hands twice.

The doors swung open again and in came three figures all cloaked in hoods that showed nothing of their features. Guards dragged them ruffly and two stumbled a few times before they were pushed down before my sister in a kneeling position.

𝔸 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕖 (ACOTAR FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now