Twenty-Eight - Calanmai pt 2.

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Everything about this stranger radiated sensual grace and power. Lots of power. I could feel it rolling off him in deep waves. His short black hair gleamed in the light of the bonfires, offsetting his pale skin and seemingly violet eyes. They twinkled with amusement as they beheld me.

    I noticed he wasn't wearing a mask. Not from Spring Court then. The night seemed to hover around him. He had to be from the Night Court with his black hair and skin that glowed--- he seemed like he used to be tan from the harsh sun.

    "You're welcome," He claimed, only feeding my growing irritation.

    "Do you know what you've just cost me?" I hissed as I regained my bearings and glared at the man. His eyes held a sense of curiosity and amusement.

    "So you planned on getting dragged away by three faeries from the everlasting festivities?" He said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

    I scoffed in return, "Did it ever occur to you, in your teensy-tiny male brain, that I let them drag me away into the woods so we were further from the crowds and I wouldn't draw unnecessary attention to myself?"

    The man seemed a tad skeptic and held a small amount of surprise, "And you thought you could overpower three faeries by yourself? Let alone High Fae?"

    A smile curved its way onto my lips, "Shall we test the theory? You cost me my hunt, you could always volunteer to replace them." I crossed my arms as I walked around in circles around him like a predator would with prey. Though based on his body he might be able to overpower me with magic, without it might be a toss-up depending on his skill level. Based on how toned his body was, I'd say he was experienced... in more ways than one.

    A half-smile played on his lips as he tracked my movements, "What's a mortal woman doing here on Fire-night?" His voice was a lover's purr that sent shivers through me.

    "Enjoying the Rite, of course, my friends brought me," I replied casually as I recited what I had heard many others say around me.

    I looked him up and down, sizing him up even though he had a good few inches on me, he was clad in black, and if his features didn't give him away as a Night Court citizen, his clothes sure weren't subtle.

A knowing smile crept onto his lips, that'd be a first, "And who are your friends?"

    I hummed, "Wouldn't you like to know? Looking for some female company on fire-night?" I purred back.

    When it became clear I wouldn't answer his question he scoffed, turning in the direction I was while I circled him.

    "Strange for a mortal to be friends with faeries," He mused as he began circling me as well, causing us to go around each other as if we were a whirlwind, "Aren't humans usually terrified of us? And aren't you, for that matter, supposed to keep to your side of the wall?"

    "I've grown up with faeries, I occasionally visit with them on holidays though it's rare. And, for that matter, I have no reason to fear your kind." Not a lie, but not the truth either. The night court is infamous for its trickery, it would be foolish to lie in front of him. So I offered the best amount of information I could.

    He stopped circling me and paused between me and my exit, no matter, a good assassin always has a backup, "And yet your friends brought you to the Great Rite and abandoned you?" He asked with a smirk playing on his features.

    "They went to mingle for a moment, get refreshments, I'm sure they'll be back soon," I explained, That's what everyone else was doing.

    The man's smile grew, and it gave me a strange feeling. Though, whatever I had just said had most definitely given me away. I registered in the corner of my eye refreshments being taken away somewhere and mentally cursed myself, all while never breaking eye contact with this mysterious stranger.

𝔸 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕖 (ACOTAR FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now