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It had been hours upon hours of boredom and overthinking in the silence. I thought about calling out to the driver for someone to talk to but granted Tamlin's sleepy time spell didn't really take that seemed stupid. It was an entire day by myself, with absolutely nothing to do but watch the trees go by.

    My mind had wandered to the last few times I'd been in a carriage, going to St. Everen's, and the various jobs I'd been given. When I'd been forced to play the part of the dutiful courtier—how I loathed those jobs.

    We were somewhere in the middle of the village when Feyre finally jerked awake with angry eyes. I suppose I'd be angry too if my lover ut me to sleep so I could never find my way back to them.

    "Finally," I told my sister, "It's been dreadfully boring."

    Feyre looked to me her eyes still annoyed but seemed to be lightening up a bit, "Glad to know you care."

    I peered out the small window noticing we were approaching a large house—a mansion really. We were riding up a sloping drive lined with hedges and iris. We came to a stop at the main house; a chateau of white marble and emerald roofs. It was lovely. And the interior seemed much more stylish than that at the manor.

    The faces of approaching servants were unfamiliar and I couldn't help the sense that I was a stranger here. I was careful to keep my face blank as I exited first and gripped the footman's hand. I could feel the glamour that hid his true face.

    Feyre came out shortly after me and I felt the servants eye us—keeping their distance and shrinking away. I liked it when people did that. I knew it sounded cruel—to want people to fear you. But it gave me something to hide behind—a wall that blocked people from seeing what I was.

    I found Elain and Nesta in the small crowd, spotting them before they did us. They approached, smoothing their fine dresses, their brows raising at the gilded carriage.

    Nesta spoke first, curtsying low. Elain followed suit. "Welcome to our home," Nesta said with her eyes on the ground, "Lady..." she raised her eyes looking between the two of us.

    My chest caved. Had it been so long they'd forgotten what we looked like?

    I forced my emotions down low inside me, putting on a facade of amusement, "You know I thought the hair would have been a dead giveaway." I smirked at them and they furrowed their brows as they inspected me and Feyre.

"Nesta," Feyre laughed, "Nesta, don't you recognize your own sisters?"

    Elain gasped, "Feyre? Danika?" she reached for me since I was closer but paused suddenly, "What of Aunt Rippleigh, then? Is she... dead?"

    Aunt Rippleigh. So that was the story again. I wondered if Feyre had told Tamlin about my excuse.

    Nesta took in our clothes and carriage, "She left you her fortune." it wasn't a question.

    Elain gaped, "You should have told us! Oh, how awful you had to endure losing her, you poor things. Father will be devastated that you didn't get to pay his respects."

    Nesta looked at me, "Why are you being too quiet?" the question didn't hold her usual menacing tone, it was more curious than anything.

    "It's strange." I told her, "I'm glad to see how well your fortunes have improved in our absence." I took another look at the large property, "how did it happen?" The glamoured driver began to unload our bags from the trunk, I wished I could help, but a woman doing anything other than sit and look pretty in the Mortal Lands was a scandal.

    Elain beamed, "Didn't you get our letters?" I expected her not to remember. But I'd always found glamorous odd in the sense that they could do practically anything. I shook my head at Elain, "Oh, you'll never believe it! Almost a week after you two went to care for Aunt Rippleigh, some stranger appeared at our door and asked Father to invest his money for him! Father was hesitant because the offer was so good, but the stranger insisted, so Father did it. He gave us a trunk of gold just for agreeing! Within a month, he'd doubled the man's investment, and then the money started pouring in. And you know what? All those ships we lost were found in Bharat, complete with Father's profits!"

    Wow... I hated Tamlin. But wow...

    "You both look as dumbfounded as we were!" Elain continued as we all began walking into the house, "Come inside. We'll show you the house! We don't have rooms decorated for either of you, because we thought you'd be with poor old Aunt Rippleigh for months yet, but we have so many bedrooms that you two can sleep in a different one each night if you wish!"

    I glanced at Nesta who walked behind me, and her face was cold and assessing. It was like she wanted to say something but couldn't. I nodded at my older sister, trying to silently tell her we'd talk.

    We entered the house and the four of us began the tour. Yet I couldn't help my growing nerves about the people that would come for me.

Now it was only a waiting game.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A/N: ooooooOOOO

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