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I'd been summoned from my cell only hours later. Three guards had come to escort me, it was funny that they thought only three was enough to take me down. I wondered what they thought the smirk I wore on my face was because of.

    We walked along the pale hallways strolling past various High Fae along the halls who stopped and stared at me. I liked that they stared. I liked that they knew I wasn't weak. I wondered what Tamlin and Lucien thought of my little show earlier. I'd never had a chance to show them what I could do in Spring Court aside from when Lucien had found me after I'd already killed the Naga. I wished I could see Lucy's face as I killed the Attor.

I tried my best to memorize the path we took on the way—I had no reason to escape from my cell aside from boredom. But the information was important to have. The halls twisted and turned, like a labyrinth, all leading to the throne room at the heart of the mountain.

We came to a stop at a pair of double doors. The guard that had been at the back stepped forward, pushing open both of the doors, alerting the crowd of our presence. I looked around noticing there were fewer people than there were last time. There was no music this time.

The guard guided me towards the throne where the High Queen sat, now in a large black dress that made her look like a doll—a murderous doll. I lowered my eyes, looking up at her with the expression I'd used so many times before.

I shook off the guards' hold on me when we were at the foot of the throne. I sketched a bow, "You summoned me, my queen." I said sarcastically.

Amarantha cocked her head at me. Her stare was analyzing as if she was looking at me for the first time. Her gaze stopped on my hair, "Your hair," she stated, "It's unique. It almost makes you look like one of us." her lips tilted upwards, "It's too bad that the rest of you is such filth."

I smiled, "Thank you." I told her, "I think your hair makes you look like a hotheaded troll, so I guess we all have our flaws."

    She sneered at me, taken aback by my blatant disrespect, "Mind your tongue girl."

    "Oh please, you're about as intimidating as my grandmother's floral table mats. There's not much you can do to me until my first trial unless you'd like to break the terms of our bargain and suffer the consequences." I tilted my head to the side, a knowing smile playing on my lips, "If you would kindly tell me why you've summoned me so I can leave." I egged on.

"I could have you tortured." She said with a wicked smile.

"No you couldn't," I challenged as I picked an imaginary piece of lint from the sleeve of my tunic, I hummed, "When you made your bargain with us I specifically asked you what we would do in the meantime. You answered we would either be sitting in our cells or helping with basic housework. Since your beloved torture isn't on that list, maltreating either of us would negate the terms of our deal. Therefore breaking our bargain." My smile was unfaltering as I continued, "If you could please tell me why you have summoned me to this sorry excuse of a throne room so I can leave..." I egged on.

Amarantha glared at me with the fire of a thousand suns, "You think yourself smart, pet?" she taunted, looking me up and down.

"I think myself resourceful," I corrected, "If finding the flaws in your words makes me smart, then sure, whatever tickles your fancy."

Amarantha's breath rose and fell quickly, the only sign she showed that told me she was beginning to lose her temper. She closed her eyes, gathering her composure before she plastered on an obviously fake smile.

"You intrigue me, human." she stated, "I'll offer you another deal," she said as if it was a great honor. I didn't want to strike the first deal, what made her think I'd want to strike a second? "I wish for you to provide entertainment to my court with your particular set of...skills. In return, I will grant you one of your requests."

I raised my eyebrows at the Queen, "Anything?"


    I knew it was a bad idea. I knew that I'd regret making another deal with her. But I was scared for my sister. I didn't want her to share my fate, and even if Amarantha was as wicked as they come, I couldn't bring myself to pass up an opportunity that would help my little sister.

I raised my chin, "I accept your deal."

    "And what do you request in return?" Amarantha leaned forward in her chair as if what I was about to say was the most important thing in the world.

    I gave her an uninterested look, "All I want is for my friend to be treated as a guest here; I want her to be given a proper room. Fed regular meals. And I do all the work that you wanted her to do around here."

    Amarantha laughed her awful laugh before quieting down and looking me directly in the eye as she spoke, "You have yourself a deal, human."

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A/N: Literally ended Amarantha

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