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The ball was as expected; Boring. I wasn't in the mood anyway. I was somewhere in between having a purpose and being completely lost.

    I fully intended to keep my promise to Astrid, I just didn't know how. The Flame was an organization that head spread like a virus even between worlds. They had planted roots and they only thrived, inventing new ways of brutality and heartlessness. And if I burned their roots here I'd have no way to destroy the others that weren't here.

    My grief was consuming. But I refused to break this time. Prythian had been...rough, to say the least. But I realized that I didn't want to prove them right, keeping myself intact was going to be my last fuck you to the universe.

    I had sat in the corner of the room, watching my sisters wander as they each did different things. Feyre looked just as out of place as me as she kept looking up and around at the people around us. Elain was as social as ever, mingling with all her friends and possible suitors. Nesta was Nesta, glaring at anyone who approached Elain.

    I really didn't want to be there.

I had stolen a bottle from the liquor cabinet and had been secretly sipping it since I got here. Father would have a fit if he knew.

    It was awful, and all my sisters were doing their own thing so I had no one to even talk to. Sure there were a lot of people in the house, but their conversation was as dry as a desert.

    It seemed I had spoken too soon as my sister was practically barreling toward me with a look on her face that told me something was very, very wrong. I stood from my seat, meeting her halfway. Feyre was frantic, rambling in whispers and mumbles.

    "Feyre," I stopped her, "Take a breath. Get your bearing in order, what's going on?"

    My sister followed my advice, closing her eyes before she dragged me into an empty hallway, "In Prythian before we left when we gave the High Lord Clare and Maya Beddor's names, do you remember?"

    "Of course, I do. I probably signed my death sentence." I quipped and for a moment I forgot about what happened two days ago.

    "The Beddors are missing. Their house was burned down and Clare and Maya are missing."

    My face dropped.

    We had given those names to Rhysand.\

    And he had not forgotten.

    But when they realized their mistake...Feyre and I had to be far, far away from here.

    I took my sister's hand taking her back into the crowds as I searched for our family. The people were beginning to dissipate as the night got later. 

    I immediately spotted Elain, Nesta, and our Father who had grouped together in our absence. I walked over to them as fast as I could without drawing attention. My family turned to the two of us as we approached, "I need you all to come with me right now." I spoke to them in a low voice, and I think based on that alone they knew something was wrong, "Don't make a scene just go to your left into the empty hallway." My eyes wandered to the door right behind them that lead to one of the many walkways in this house.

    They needed no further instruction as we all began walking. "Danika? Feyre?" our father questioned.

    My throat swelled, and I pushed down the guilt at what Feyre and I may have done...

"Danika," My father spoke again, Nesta hissed at him, "Quiet."

    Nesta and I had spoken yesterday and it was then she revealed that the glamour Tamlin had attempted to place on her didn't work. It wasn't surprising, Nesta had a strong mind and it was entirely her own. I had told her of all my adventures at Spring Court and then we spent the afternoon together.

    I began speaking directly to her, "I need you to listen to me very carefully," Nesta's eyes were hooded but beyond that, I saw her resolve, "Everything we spoke about yesterday must remain a secret under all circumstances. You cannot look for us. You cannot speak about us. If anyone comes asking around—even if they look like the nicest person in the world, you say you haven't seen us in months. Like we were never her, do you understand me?"

    "What are you talking about, Danika?" My father gulped and I looked at him for what felt like the last time. We'd never been close, and I always thought it was about me being adopted, I wasn't sure. But he was still my father, and it hurt to say goodbye.

    I looked back to my eldest sister, "Something is happening in Prythian." I spoke strongly and my sister was unflinching.

    "Prythian!" Father exclaimed and I shushed him immediately, not wanting any of the remaining guests to hear us.

    I looked at all my family then, "I know you won't leave. Hire guards, move, I don't care; protect yourself at all costs. Hire costs as well, watch the wall, the borders, the house, all areas that someone could sneak through." I looked at Feyre who still held her composure as well as I was, " At the first sign of danger, you run. Leave your pride in the dust and run. Anywhere."

    My father and Elain began blinking as if clearing a fog from their minds. I began walking towards the alternate way upstairs to the bedroom—the one that wasn't crowded with people. My family followed up the stairs.

    "The Beddor's," Nesta connected, "That was meant to be us. You gave them fake names—the wicked faeries who threatened your High Lord."

    "Ew, Nessy, not my High Lord, he's revolting. Feyre can have him."

    Nesta rolled her eyes at my antics, probably annoyed that I was joking before running off to faerie paradise to get killed. "Is there going to be an invasion?"

    I looked behind me, seeing Nesta and Feyre directly behind me while Elain and Father were behind them, "I don't know." I answered, "It's possible, I'd need more information before I just to conclusions. All I know is that none of us are safe right now."

I entered my room, Feyre going to her own to pack her belongings, "Father told the both of you once," Nesta began, "and I'm telling you now. We care to take care of ourselves."

    I turned towards my sister as I finished packing only the bare minimum, "I know you can." I told her, "But you're my family. I'm not going to forget that."

    "I know."

    I smiled at my sister before enveloping Nesta in a tight hug, she was rigid at first but slowly she warmed up and hugged me just as tightly. I pulled away and looked at her, "Stay safe, alright. If you die, I'll kill you."

    Nesta spared me a small smile, which for her was as good as breaking out in the biggest grin you've ever seen.

    My calm demeanor faded after a moment, realizing I wanted to brief Nesta on all things faerie but didn't have enough time, "Faeries can lie," I told her, "Iron is useless, the only thing that will work on them is Ashwood, plant a grove of it if you must."

    "There is a better world, Nesta. There is a better world out there, waiting for you to find it. And if I ever get the chance, if things are ever...better, safer. I will find you again." A peaceful world. That was my sole dream that I would forever hope for.

    Nesta's lips tilted upwards slightly, "Don't die or I'll kill you." She repeated my words, though hers held less humor and for a moment I debated if she was actually serious. She probably was.

    But I smiled anyway.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A/N: awwweee, I'm loving Nesta and Dani's relationship rn.

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