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I woke to the sound of breathing. I didn't dare open my eyes as I silently assessed my surroundings. It was cold, and my bed had somehow grown rocky. That's strange.

          The breathing was growing closer and was now partnered by large footsteps on the ground. The breathing was odd, it was deeper than any fae or human I'd ever heard.

          Then I remembered.

           My eyes snapped open faster than lightning. I remembered I was in a cave where the walls were littered with stories and the ceiling was wreathed in flame. I remembered what I learned and who I possibly was and I very nearly passed out again.

          I stood on shaky legs, clutching the rough cave walls to keep me balanced. I then realized there was someone or something breathing in the room, I whipped my head towards what it was to see the night-black wyvern once again. I had almost forgotten it was in here, what with all the mind-shattering revelations.

This couldn't be happening. I was human. I was normal. I'd spent my entire life training to kill Faeries and now suddenly I'm some prophesied lady supposed to save them from certain doom? Nope. Not happening. It was quite literally impossible. I wouldn't believe it– wouldn't accept it– would be more accurate.

I admit it. I usually have a small problem with denial and running away from my problems, but this isn't one of those times. I'm definitely not denying my denial.

I looked back towards the wall that told the story and began searching for loopholes. Anyway, I could have entered this stupid fucking cave without immediate death.

And what did I find? A whole load of nothing.

I looked back towards the wyvern who was now looking at me like I was a crazy lady.

Oh my god. Maybe I am crazy. Wyverns don't exist, right? I'm totally crazy. This must be some weird delusion. And by weird delusion, I mean weird delusion.

I once again scanned the wall, except this time I noticed something I hadn't before. There was a small carving on the bottom of the wall. It was in the Holy Tongue, also known as Leshon Hakodesh. Thanks to the Flame– and probably the only thing i'd ever thank them for– who were pretty much older than time itself, I spoke the language fluently.

    It read, "'دع النجوم ترشدك إلى المنزل" meaning, "Let the stars guide you home.", now things are just getting creepy.

I'd always known I was adopted. My sisters never put two and two together, but when I was ten, I realized that many things didn't add up. My sisters all shared the same hair while mine was whiter than snow. My sisters had my Mother and Father's eyes, while mine were green. When I was eleven I asked my father why I was so different from my sisters, he revealed that I was adopted. It never truly mattered to me, I guess, My family was still my family. But when I was fourteen I grew curious about my biological family. When I finally gathered the courage to ask my Father about it, he told me that I had been left on their doorstep with a note. He had kept it all those years and he gave it to me after that conversation. I was expecting some full blown explanation or an apology, but it was only one sentence. The stars will guide you home.

It had to be coincidence right? But I couldn't afford to rule out the possibility of it not being coincidence and If it wasn't how the hell were the two connected? Unfortunately, I didn't have time for those questions right now, I'd think about those later when I wasn't in a mystical magic cage with a fire breathing wyvern. Cauldron, that sounds odd even by its self.

I let out a giggle, before I knew it I was doubled over laughing. I most definitely looked insane. I just couldn't stop laughing.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," I said to the wyvern in between laughs. I waved the wyvern off.

    "It's just-It's just," I giggled again, "This is just so ridiculous. I mean, I'm in a magical cave with a wyvern who could eat me in like ten seconds if it wanted to. It's just so odd."

    I definitely looked insane.

    "So," I looked at the wyvern, "Im going to head out." I laughed, "See you soon, azzy," I realized, "Oh, right, I'm now going to declare your name Azail." I gave him a thumbs up, "It was good to meet ya, but I think I hear my sister trash talking me, so i've gotta go deal with that." I smiled awkwardly, "Bye. i"ll be back I swear to you." and then I ran.

I think I ran faster than I had ever before. I didn't pay any attencion to the wyverns who had been waiting outside the cave. I just ran. Which probably should have gotten me killed, but I got lucky. I had memorized the path as we went over to the cave. When I approached the branches I placed my hand on them like I had done before, thankfully the weird branchy thing worked again and the door opened back up. And when that tunnel opened back up, I sprinted out.

I wasn't stupid enough to think that sprinting through faerie woods in the middle of the night was a good idea. I calmed my breathing and heartbeat, the walk back was peaceful, which I was thankful for. I wanted time to think.

    I convinced myself that tonight was a crazy dream. Deep down I knew it wasn't, but a girl can dream–or hope she's dreaming.

    When I arrived back at Tamlins manor I once again snuck in without drawing attention to myself. When I arrived back in my room it was quiet. Quieter than I'm used to when you have three sisters.

    I hate to admit it, but I missed them.

    I just had to get used to it. I crawled into bed after changing into my night clothes.

    I didn't sleep that night.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A/N: Hi all!! I just wanted to give you all and FYI I won't be posting much. I'm currently writing the chapters out of order and writing the ones that are my fave so I don't lose interest. Unfortunately those chapters are typically later in the book. I'm going to fill in the blanks later. So my updates will not be often. I just finished writing calanmai!!

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