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          The three of us entered the shrouded woods, they were eerie at night. I had spent many days helping Feyre hunt when I wasn't busy with "work." but I've never been in them at night, not when all the creepy crawly's are out and I'm at a disadvantage with my mortal vision. Through, I suppose woods encased in darkness is fitting for my current mood.

         The three of us had walked for a few minutes before the beast came to a stop in front of a tall cedar tree where two mares were patiently waiting by the lower branches. One was as white as snow, and the other as black as the deepest pits. I did wonder why there were two horses when the beast was only planning to take one person. Maybe he had planned to shift into his fae form and ride with one of us. I can't say I feel bad for the circumstance making him to walk on foot all the way back to Prythian.

          The beast motioned a paw to mount. And I would have refused for the sheer nerve of that gesture alone, he just took us from our family in the middle of the night to come to Prythian where we will most likely walk into our deaths. However, now was not the time for pride, he could leave me behind and take Feyre alone and I wouldn't let that happen.

          I stepped forward towards the night-black mare, it inclined his head almost in respect. I liked this horse already. I relayed the gesture back with a snort. The horse huffed and I wondered whether it was a laugh. Maybe horses in Prythian have more cognitive ability than the ones in the mortal lands.

           "Do they have names?" I asked coldly. I wasn't really in the mood for conversation, but if I am to be riding such a beautiful creature I should at least know its name.

          "No." The beast spoke gruffly, seeming to feel the same about conversation as I did.

          I quickly mounted the horse, welcoming the warmth it provided, And settled on the name Amaris. Part of my training with the flame was languages. Amaris means "Child of the moon" in one of the older dialects on the continent.

          The woods were silent save for the occasional rustle of the bushes or steps on snow as we started our journey. I took a moment to think about what I was walking into. Mother above, I didn't even know what court we were going into. Though by the manner of the beast I would guess one of the warmer courts, Spring, Summer, Day, or Dawn. Of course, I'd have to fill Feyre in on the history of Prythian once we got a moment alone. Also, meaning i'd have to explain the full extent of my past, which safe to say I'm not looking forward to, but Feyre should know what we are walking into.

         A sinking feeling settled in my stomach. What would we do in Prythian? It's not unknown knowledge that humans are seen as lesser beings, this beast could say that we will live on his estate and be safe, but could he guarantee that? What manner of living would it be? Would we be better off at home and starving than wherever we are going? I could feel myself begin to panic, but I quickly pushed the feeling away. Panic grants you nothing but death. Thinking rationally gets you out of situations like this.

          But, I wont be able to do anything until I actually see our destination, that's when I can start to hatch an escape plan. No matter what my father told me to do, I wont leave my family to starve in that wretched hovel, even if we rarely get along.

          There are so many things I need to warn Feyre about. We've never really talked about faeries before, so its safe to say she believes all the falsities that go around the village, like faeries can't tell lies, and their weakness is iron, pretty much everything that's common knowledge about faeries is wrong. It's going to be a long conversation.

          I was suddenly broken out of my thoughts by Feyre's nervous voice, "What manner of faerie are you?"

          The faerie didn't deign to respond so I did it for him, "He's a shapeshifter, high fae if I had to guess." The faerie didn't even turn, though I noticed it tensed a bit. Feyre however did turn, she gave me a curious look, to which I only shrugged and raised me eyebrows, hoping she got the message, I'll tell you later.

          Feyre turned to the beast again, "Do you have a name?" Now, that was a question I didn't know the answer to.

          The beast let out a huff of air that could have very well been a very bitter laugh, "Does it even matter to you, human?"

          Neither of us answered. A few minutes later Feyre opened her mouth to speak again but the beast let out a growl of annoyance, that shut Feyre up pretty quickly.

           Just after that a metallic taste filled my mouth. Magic. Strong magic at that.

          I whipped my head to the beast, "Oh, you are such an asshole." I spoke before the darkness swallowed me whole.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Finally going to spring!!

𝔸 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕖 (ACOTAR FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now