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When I was young and learned for the first time what death truly meant, I had come up with a dream in my mind.

    I dreamed that when Death finally claimed me, I would become a star in the night sky. A bright light that shone down on the world. I would burn bright and my loved ones would look upon me and remember my life and my love.

    But I was dead.

    And my wish had not come true.

    I was seeing. 

    Seeing through someone else's eyes that were not my own.

The vague part of myself that was not lost in the hands of death registered that I was in the throne room. My eyes were looking at a honey-brown-haired woman and a blonde man, holding each other in their arms and kissing. That same part of me that recognized the throne room, recognized them. I knew that I knew them and yet when I tried to remember, I couldn't.

    My eyes turned around quickly as a loud thump hit the floor. They searched the room, landing on something on the polished stone floors.

A white-haired woman lay there. Her hands were in chains and her eyes closed. Something red covered her shirt and seeped onto the floors in a puddle. Her skin was pale and dead like there was no longer any life in her.

    It was me.

    The thought was a horrid realization as I looked at my body splayed across the ground as if I were sleeping. My eyes rushed to my body, leaning down and putting their fingers against my neck. The breath they let out as loud as they found no heartbeat. They tried finding one on the wrist. Still nothing.

    A sob hit the air. And my eyes looked over to see the brown-haired woman practically crawling over to me across the floors. Her sobs racked her so much that she could barely get anywhere.

    When she reached me, she immediately felt for a heartbeat-like my eyes did. Finding nothing she began muttering a long string of words that sounded like "no" and "please". The thought struck a chord of sadness in m—

    I was yanked.

    Yanked into darkness, and for a moment I thought that that death's swift wings had come to fly away to hell.

    There was nothing around me. Only inky blackness made me feel like I was trapped in prison somewhere beyond my world.

I turned around and around in circles, searching for anything. Anything but the darkness and yet, I found nothing but my own torment. I began to panic. This was my own personal hell. Stuck for eternity where no one and nothing could save me from me.

    The void was all-consuming, it felt thick when I moved, like swimming underwater.

    I wanted to scream. To shout. To beg. To cry. Anything that would spare me from this fate.

In the darkness, there was a voice. A voice of worlds. Of pain and sorrow. Of joy and pleasure. "Once," it spoke, "Only once will bend the rules for you, World Breaker."

    And then there was light. A blinding light that filled the void in milliseconds. A light that should have filled me with the hope that I was saved, and yet all I felt was scared.

    Scared like a small child when they saw something new.

The void had vanished into nothing but a memory as the light chased it away from my reality.

    And then there was breath.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

    I coughed so hard my lungs burned as I felt different. My skin was slithering as if there was something under it trying to get out. Power coursed through my veins and it was such an unfamiliar sensation that I shivered so roughly my body lurched forward.

    I looked around frantically trying to gauge where I was, and what had happened and came face to face with the brown-haired girl.

    Feyre. My sister. I remembered.

    Fast. So fast. It had all happened so fast. I was dead and then I wasn't. I was in hell and now I'm alive. My mind was so overwhelmed that everything around me seemed to make me feel like I would explode.

    Feyre's chest was racked with silent sobs and as if on instinct I pulled her into an embrace. It was then that I noticed how different I felt and pulled away almost immediately. I looked at my hands, seeing my slender fingers and nearly glowing skin.

    Faster than lightning itself I reached up to touch my ear, feeling a point.

    Cauldron save me.

    I was High Fae.


    That wasn't supposed to happen.

    Mother above, I had killed faeries for a living for most of my life and now I suddenly was one?

    Was I meant to be at war with myself now?

"Dani?" Feyre said by my side, concern evident in her voice. I looked at my sister, my eyes snapping to hers rapidly. Whatever she saw on my face made her pull me into another hug.

    I realized that my sister understood. She was made as well. She felt what I felt. I hugged my sister tighter.

    And suddenly i lifted my eyes on instinct, meeting with a pair of violet ones a few feet away from me. Rhysand huffed a breath, he dipped his head, his eyes shone with some sort of emotion that  didn't know. He turned around leaving the room almost hastily.

And it was then that I realized who's eyes I had been seeing from.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A/N; guyyyyysss, I'm getting sadddddd. Theres only one more chapter in the book

𝔸 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕖 (ACOTAR FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now