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And the worst part was I knew him. It was the Night Court male I'd met on Calanmai, he'd thought he was saving me from those scum who dragged me into the woods. I did indeed threaten him after that for costing me my hunt. Based on Lucy and Tamlin's reaction to him and his pretty face, I was starting to wonder if that was a teensy mistake.

Nevertheless, I let none of those thoughts show on my face and still wore a mask of boredom. It was surprisingly hard.

He approached the dining table, his eyes still on Tamlin. He had yet to notice me. I realized it was because Tamlin was concealing my scent, not my body, just my scent. It made it harder for predators. Tamlin also mentioned something once about me having a unique scent, it could be both.

The male was exactly how I remembered him. It's hard to forget a face like that. He was the pinnacle of grace and power, yet he still held an edge that promised death if you crossed him.

"High Lord," The male crooned, inclining his head slightly. I noticed with a large amount of smugness that it was an insult. It wasn't a bow.

Tamlin remained seated as did I. I didn't move much not wanting to draw attention to myself. I prefer to observe and assess before I throw myself into things.

"What do you want, Rhysand?" Tamlin said with a promise of violence.

Rhysand. The name sent shivers through me for some reason. It seemed... right. What the fuck was it about this guy that made me act like this? I was freaking myself out.

Rhysand smiled–heartbreaking in its beauty– he placed a hand over his chest in mock hurt, "Rhysand? Come now, Tamlin. I don't see you for forty-nine years and you call me Rhysand. Only my prisoners and my enemies call me that."

I scoffed, "I'm sure that the list goes on. You seem to be unlikeable."

Rhysand's eyes snapped to mine faster than lightning, if I thought Tamlin was fast earlier this man was faster. His violet eyes met mine and his face seemed to pale considerably, though he quickly masked it with a sinister smile, "You. I remember you,"

"I'd be insulted if you forgot,"

Rhysand hummed, "It's quite hard to forget someone who threatened to kill you and called you–ah— what was it?" He smirked, "yes, a moronic, incessant fool."

"Well, if the shoe fits..." I trailed off. His violet eyes shone with near malicious intent. Rhysand winked at me before turning to Lucien. Something inside me fluttered at that.

"A fox mask. Appropriate for you Lucien."

"Go to hell, Rhys." Lucien spat back.

    Well, at least there is one green flag; Lucien hates him.

    "Always a pleasure dealing with the rabble," Rhysand said before facing Tamlin once again, "I hope I wasn't interrupting." His eyes met mine for a brief second, he was referring to me.

    "We were in the middle of lunch," Tamlin said.

    "Stimulating." Rhysand purred. The sound reverberated across my skin. What the hell was wrong with me? I'm never like this.

    "What are you doing here, Rhys?" Tamlin demanded a bit of his unyielding temper. I'd been the source of that temper a few times. Trust me you wouldn't want to be.

    "I wanted to check in on you. I wanted to see how you were faring. If you got my little present."

    Ah, so he's the one who left the head on the doorstep. It was a bit cliche for my tastes, but creative nonetheless.

𝔸 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕖 (ACOTAR FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now