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The next morning Feyre and I found a head in the garden. Literally. We had been walking around the grounds talking about plain stuff and arguing about who one of our old friends liked more when we had suddenly come across a head spiked to the ground near the front doors.

The male's head was High Fae. There was enough blood surrounding it to suggest that the head had been fresh when it was impaled. The head seemed as though it was still screaming as his eyes bulged. I considered myself lucky at that moment that this was something I had grown accustomed to—though I didn't know if that was something to be proud of. My sister wasn't as lucky. Feyre seemed to be in shock as she stared at the severed head, I had immediately suggested she be the one who went inside to get help. She agreed quickly and soon returned with Lucy and Timmy in tow as I continued to inspect the head.

"Not Autumn Court," Lucien began, "I don't recognize him at all."

"Neither do I," Tamlin added, his voice softer than I'd heard before yet there was a threat that laced his words.

"Obviously," I remarked, "He shows none of the Autumn characteristics. I'd say he was Summer or Dawn based on his skin color and hair. Though there is a slight possibility of Night Court. But he shows very little features that would suggest he was from there." I hummed as I rounded the crime, "based on the nature of the murder I'd suggest this person either hated them or had no connection to them whatsoever."

I felt like I was back at The Flame, inspecting a crime I was hired to. I felt a little bit more normal.

The three people standing near me stared at me with extremely confused expressions I shrugged at them, "This isn't my first murder." I walked over to the head begrudgingly as blood-soaked my shoes. That never got easier, I could get used to the sight of a dead body, but the feeling of blood soaking my skin never got easier. Neither did seeing a person's loved ones.

I had noticed a marking near the ear— I lifted it seeing that they had branded him. The thought sent a chilled feeling through me, "A mountain with three stars," I spoke to the people around me, "Night Court, Correct?" I asked genuinely. Selective memory. Lucien and Tamlin nodded in unison at my statement.

I stepped away from the head and made my way over to the three of them just as Feyre spoke, "Why...why would they do this?" she asked.

Tamlin took my place and went over to the head to remove it from the spike. I cringed as he slid it off. I looked towards the sky, not wanting to see it. I'd seen enough cruelty to last me a lifetime, I didn't need, nor did I have any desire to see more.

"The Night Court does what it wants," Tamlin said, "They live by their own codes, their own corrupt morals."

Who's to say we're not all corrupt as well?

"They're all sadistic killers," Lucien added. I feel like they're being a bit judgy. Just because a place's leaders aren't right does not mean the entirety of the Night Courts people are bad. They really need to learn some manners. "They delight in the torture of every kind—and would find this sort of stunt amusing."

"Amusing? This was cheap. If they wanted to scare you they could have done better. This was a message. Perhaps a warning," I turned towards Lucien, "But what about?" I asked the red-haired male.

"Oh, it's a message," Lucien confirmed. Tamlin had finally begun to take the head from the spike, and the sound damn near made me throw up in itself. "To get in and out of our defenses, to commit a crime nearby, with the blood this fresh..." Lucien trailed off for a moment, "It's exactly what the High Lord of the Night Court would find amusing. The bastard."

Feyre seemed to inwardly cringe; I couldn't help but spot the differences between my sister and me. While she cringed at the sight of blood, I barely flinched. While Feyre had found solace in painting here, I had found peace with creatures that lurked in the western woods. We had such stark differences, maybe it was why we got aligned so well.

Tamlin came over to Feyre placing his hands on her shoulders in an act of reassurance, "You're still safe here. This was just their idea as a prank."

I looked at Tamlin, "No," Tamlin turned to me, "This was their idea of a threat. I have doubt that you will try to protect my sister, and I believe we can be safe here." I stepped closer to Tamlin and he fully turned towards me, "But do not give us falsities about the threats that lurk here. We are not as fragile as you may think, and we won't explode. It is better so that we are prepared in case of a threat than to be ignorant in the face of it."

Tamlin's eyes were alight with amusement, "And what would you plan to do in the face of danger?"

"Exactly what I plan to do to you if you question me again, High Lord." I spared Tamlin an innocent smile before I began walking back inside to wash the blood that had stained my hands.

It was a wonder my hands weren't permanently red.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A/N: Rhysie is really bad at pranks.

𝔸 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕖 (ACOTAR FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now